LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Hello! So glad I found this thread :frow
I'm Kiera and I'm Bi.
Came out to my parents 2-3 years ago when I was either 19 or 20 and they accepted me right away. Even though I tend to get hate from people online, it doesn't bother me as I know that they're jealous that I'm happy and they're not.
A few of our flock can be seen in my profile picture.
I am not in the least bit offended or biased against anyones lifestyle choices.
But I do not believe a thread titled "straight female chicken keepers?" Would be very well received.
Will I be praised for my bravery if I do that?
I doubt it.
That is where it becomes a hard pill for some to swallow.

If someone gets to know you and then decides to mistreat you due to the fact your "different" from them. . well then shame on them.

It is my opinion that this type of announcing of your preference of gender and or sexuality and seeking out of others that are the same does not promote inclusiveness. . it actually does just the opposite. To me It is sort of setting yourself apart from "the others" right out the door with a label.
I would much rather get to know someone for who they are not what they are. :idunno

I understand the need and desire for people to feel like they belong and connect with others who they can identify with.
But there are a lot of different ways you can go about that without making your lifestyle choices first and foremost.

I also consider myself a Christian and a conservative. . . but I wonder how inflammatory and pompous would it be considered if I posted a thread titled "Christian conservative chicken keepers?" :hmm

I do not mean any of this in an unkind way I hope it is not taken as such.
I only mean to promote a little bit of understanding from a different perspective.
Hello! So glad I found this thread :frow
I'm Kiera and I'm Bi.
Came out to my parents 2-3 years ago when I was either 19 or 20 and they accepted me right away. Even though I tend to get hate from people online, it doesn't bother me as I know that they're jealous that I'm happy and they're not.
A few of our flock can be seen in my profile picture.
Welcome to the thread- we’re happy to have you!
I am not in the least bit offended or biased against anyones lifestyle choices.
But I do not believe a thread titled "straight female chicken keepers?" Would be very well received.
Will I be praised for my bravery if I do that?
I doubt it.
That is where it becomes a hard pill for some to swallow.

If someone gets to know you and then decides to mistreat you due to the fact your "different" from them. . well then shame on them.

It is my opinion that this type of announcing of your preference of gender and or sexuality and seeking out of others that are the same does not promote inclusiveness. . it actually does just the opposite. To me It is sort of setting yourself apart from "the others" right out the door with a label.
I would much rather get to know someone for who they are not what they are. :idunno

I understand the need and desire for people to feel like they belong and connect with others who they can identify with.
But there are a lot of different ways you can go about that without making your lifestyle choices first and foremost.

I also consider myself a Christian and a conservative. . . but I wonder how inflammatory and pompous would it be considered if I posted a thread titled "Christian conservative chicken keepers?" :hmm

I do not mean any of this in an unkind way I hope it is not taken as such.
I only mean to promote a little bit of understanding from a different perspective.

If a conservative thread was made it would go against BYC guidelines for politics. Being LGBT isn’t political- there are LGBT people all across the political spectrum. I think it would only be an issue if we decided to exclude straight people from the conversation, which we have not.
If a conservative thread was made it would go against BYC guidelines for politics. Being LGBT isn’t political- there are LGBT people all across the political spectrum. I think it would only be an issue if we decided to exclude straight people from the conversation, which we have not.
Actually it is my understanding that religious and political discussions are discouraged. . not against the rules.
Even though lots of of political or religious posts get deleted for being inflammatory.
I'm not saying that this thread is against any guidelines either.. . I am only pointing out that we can all choose to just view each other as people without the labels.
If a conservative thread was made it would go against BYC guidelines for politics. Being LGBT isn’t political- there are LGBT people all across the political spectrum. I think it would only be an issue if we decided to exclude straight people from the conversation, which we have not.

To be fair, for most people, conservative isn't just politics. It's a way of life. I'm conservative, and when I say that, I mean in many aspects, not just politics. But, it just isn't something I bring up out of the blue on its own, because it's just a part of my life.

If someone started a conservative Christian thread for chicken-keepers, I would not be offended, the same way I am certainly not offended at this thread, and defended this thread (and you!) from the start.

We are who we are, and no one should be ashamed of who they are, whether they be trans, conservative, liberal, gender-fluid, Amish, Christian, Wiccan, evolutionist, creationist, black, white, purple, punk, genius, etc. We all need to understand that the one thing we have in common is that we are all human beings who feel happy, sad, disappointed, joyful, fearful, and we all bleed red.

We should support each other, because we're all different and yet, all alike.
And, best of all, we all had an opportunity in life to own chickens...or ducks, geese, quail, guinea fowl, peahens, goats, cows, dogs, cats, fish and whatever other animals we all talk about on this forum! :hugs
Hi! I’m new pretty new to the forum so just checking out as many new posts as I can. I’m a straight girl, 30. Just wanted to say I totally get why you made the thread- as you said earlier there are threads for old folks etc. Everyone likes to find others with things in common especially when you are the minority. No need to make a straight females forum because there’s a million people on here that are that... yet you’ve only found a few others who are LGBT...
What I gather is it isn’t to discuss your LGBT lifestyle just to have someone reply and say “ hey yep I’m here too!” makes you feel connected- it’s nice :). Welcome!
Actually it is my understanding that religious and political discussions are discouraged. . not against the rules.
Even though lots of of political or religious posts get deleted for being inflammatory.
I'm not saying that this thread is against any guidelines either.. . I am only pointing out that we can all choose to just view each other as people without the labels.
Wouldn’t that be nice if people could see LGBT without a label? I’m glad that you think you can, but that’s a pretty privileged viewpoint. As a matter of fact, the OP has referenced the fact they have been trying to live “stealthily” (or NO labels) and they still have encountered adversity. Yes, we could all choose to “not see labels” but that simply is not even close to reality for members of any minority.

Part of claiming a label for yourself is to take the power in it. That way it hurts less when someone uses that same label as a slur against you or someone else.

Has anyone ever treated you poorly for being a woman? I’m sure it bothered you for something that you couldn’t change. I bet it also made you proud to be a woman when you overcame that moment. Maybe you sang some Aretha Franklin or something? It would be a little off for a man to go and tell Aretha to just be quiet because she wasn’t being very inclusive. Sometimes, labels can be celebrated and that’s just fine. It is not an affront to people without the label to celebrate yourself.

And also, why not the label? I’m fine with the label, especially in this instance. What you may have missed is the point that you live in a world where you don’t NEED any sort of label for yourself, because your life is in the majority viewpoint.

you can go ahead and make a “straight woman chicken keeper” thread, no problems. But you’re right, I doubt anyone will call you brave. I can’t tell with your emojis, but are you offended or annoyed because you think someone called a trans person brave for being trans or that you don’t get to be called brave for being straight? That’s not the point. The OP was called brave for creating a thread that put themselves into a potentially difficult situation.

fwiw, just do a quick search for “Christian” and you’ll see there are plenty of those threads, too...

it almost seems like you just wanted to come here to argue. Or perhaps just to ensure everyone shares your views, and if they don’t, tell them they should kinda just be quiet about it?

There really isn’t a need to go into threads about other subjects and tell them their viewpoint isn’t inclusive, and, where does it say this thread is supposed to be inclusive anyway? Does inclusive mean it includes you? It includes all viewpoints? It includes accepted viewpoints? This thread is inclusive to folks who support the OP, which it doesn’t really seem you do.

this thread is about a young person trying to find their way in the world and looking for support from like-minded people. If that doesn’t sound like something someone wants to be a part of, it actually does NOT include them. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I dont think the moderators do either because I’m pretty sure this little thread has had plenty of attention and been seen by them all.

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