LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Old straight guy wanting to jump in to say that there are times when humans are horrible to one another and it's easy to be discouraged and there are times when some simple acts can restore our faith in humanity. This thread has been the latter for me.

I saw a bully or two jump in early, that the moderators, and most other BYC members, shut down. And I saw some that had an opinion, but as the thread progressed, their opinion changed as they learned more about why the OP wanted to start the thread, and how their experience as a member of the LGBT community had them fear or avoid an agricultural education / lifestyle / career because of perceived worry that the Ag community would reject them, which is heartbreaking. Interestingly - the Ag community was prejudged in this case as a group - though some who've had personal experience with the Ag community had found acceptance.

As a straight man - I'll never know your pain and struggle. But I have friends that are gay, one who's transitioning (sorry - she'd kill me if I used the wrong terminology here), Former coworkers and employees, etc. I am saying this not to say I'm enlightened - but to share one old guy's point of view though life experience: Most people prejudge against groups, but not known individuals. As people of different communities / tribes get to know one another - you become defined as an individual, not by the tribe. This thread brought people together.

But as a retired former corp exec - I also wanted to weigh in on a comment about discrimination in the work place because of outspoken points of view. There used too be a saying: don't discuss politics, religion or sex in "polite company." Getting into any of those 3 in the workplace is still going to get you in trouble - and freedom of speech doesn't apply at work. In today's social media world - even stuff you say online can cost you a career. There has not yet been a case referred to the supreme court (at least at the time I was still working) in which on line opinions impacting workplace "freedom of speech" restrictions had been challenged.

I think some of the initial comments on this tread were because we older generation people were drilled on the "don't discuss" politics, religion and sex stuff throughout our lives - and misunderstood that the OP was discussing community - not one of the above forbidden topics.

I've thanked this community many times for the help and support for this newbie chicken guy. Today I want to thank the OP for the bravery of asking to be heard in search for community. I also want to say that watching this thread progress has been great to see as the chicken community learned to be more accepting of other points of view.

old man ramblin's.....
Really fantastic thoughts here. I’ve found so much of this to be true. I live in TX, and haven’t experienced personal adversity in quite some time. I have always found that on a personal level, folks are extremely kind and supportive of me, as long as you’re not telling someone around here what to do, they don’t have much interest in telling you what to do either.

All my chicks settling in well! Little broiler chicks look like bodybuilders, they’re just too adorable!!!



Really fantastic thoughts here. I’ve found so much of this to be true. I live in TX, and haven’t experienced personal adversity in quite some time. I have always found that on a personal level, folks are extremely kind and supportive of me, as long as you’re not telling someone around here what to do, they don’t have much interest in telling you what to do either.

All my chicks settling in well! Little broiler chicks look like bodybuilders, they’re just too adorable!!!

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That's so encouraging that even in Texas you've found acceptance. With Texas' reputation, you'd think it would be more is a challenge.

We're headed to Austin and Waco for a vacation in a few months - is been years since I've been to Texas and we're really excited.

Cute chicks - congrats on your hatch.
Really fantastic thoughts here. I’ve found so much of this to be true. I live in TX, and haven’t experienced personal adversity in quite some time. I have always found that on a personal level, folks are extremely kind and supportive of me, as long as you’re not telling someone around here what to do, they don’t have much interest in telling you what to do either.

All my chicks settling in well! Little broiler chicks look like bodybuilders, they’re just too adorable!!!

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Look at those little chests!! Are you doing red or white broilers? I love the personallity of the whites but I end up getting attached to birds that won’t live very long.
Really fantastic thoughts here. I’ve found so much of this to be true. I live in TX, and haven’t experienced personal adversity in quite some time. I have always found that on a personal level, folks are extremely kind and supportive of me, as long as you’re not telling someone around here what to do, they don’t have much interest in telling you what to do either.

All my chicks settling in well! Little broiler chicks look like bodybuilders, they’re just too adorable!!!

OMG look at them poofing out their little chests!!!!
Are these Cornish X? I'm tempted to try broilers on a smaller level but I am not quite confident in my ability to dispatch them!
OMG look at them poofing out their little chests!!!!
Are these Cornish X? I'm tempted to try broilers on a smaller level but I am not quite confident in my ability to dispatch them!

Look up broomstick method. I’ve never had an issue with it. It’s food for smaller people like myself- doesn’t require a crazy amount of force.
My statement about the bravery and inclusiveness is merely to point out that the thread title suggests the op wants to hear from a particular group of people based solely on their choice of sexuality or minority status.

But if myself or anyone else who is not considered a minority done such a thing it would be unacceptable and considered bullying and bad taste.
I'm not suggesting anyone needs to hide who or what they are. . I'm just saying to anyone who cares tho give it a thought.
The way we choose to present ourselves does have some bearing on the way we are received and perceived.
Now. . I'm not going to sit here and argue about anything, I said all I wanted to say take it or leave it.
I will say again. If this thread makes anyone uncomfortable than move along. I so far see nothing that is concerning except for those who want to say it's an inappropriate thread title. I'm happy to see respectful behaviors from most posters. Let's keep it that way. Lots of threads on BYC. Pick the ones you like, pass on the ones you don't. Thank you.
I will say again. If this thread makes anyone uncomfortable than move along. I so far see nothing that is concerning except for those who want to say it's an inappropriate thread title. I'm happy to see respectful behaviors from most posters. Let's keep it that way. Lots of threads on BYC. Pick the ones you like, pass on the ones you don't. Thank you.

Dialogue is an essential tool to beak down barriers. Stating opinions and refusing to engage in discourse that one may not agree with is not necessarily helpful.

Some people go to the gym to exercise their body (so I’ve read :p) but we all could do with a little intellectual work-out too. It can be challenging, no doubt but we owe it to ourselves to give it a bash :)
Dialogue is an essential tool to beak down barriers. Stating opinions and refusing to engage in discourse that one may not agree with is not necessarily helpful.

Some people go to the gym to exercise their body (so I’ve read :p) but we all could do with a little intellectual work-out too. It can be challenging, no doubt but we owe it to ourselves to give it a bash :)

I don't disagree - there is value in debate in that if done fairly - you can learn another's perspective. The internet is a really crappy place to debate, though. But I don't think the OP was here to debate or be judged. They were here as someone that feared the Ag community would not accept them, despite loving the idea of being involved in Ag and education. I was glad to see how quickly they connected.

I do think that even those disagreeing in this debate are actually trying to say that they accept anyone, but they were concerned with terminology.

I called the OP brave - not sure if anyone else did. Here's why that matters - It's estimated that approx 5% of the US population is part of the LGBT community. As I'd assume that's under-reported in stats - let's just say it's 10%. The gender fluid / transitioning is a small percentage of THAT 10%.
So let's call it 1% of the population. Being part of 1% trying to find a like minded community is brave. If I said I'm part of the 90% of the population that straight, or 49% that's male, or 72% that's caucasian - I will find like community immediately - no bravery required.

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