LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Check out these beefcakes! Freezer camp tomorrow. Today they experienced a bit of freedom.



I did my first one the other day. It went swimmingly!

Check out my overview for processing Cornish X here!
Nice too "see ya" pal. How's the fecal stuff goin for ya?
It’s been really informative and interesting. I was able to get a baseline count on all of my horses. They’re due to be re tested to test for efficacy after deworming next week. Saturday I need to deworm the entire chicken flock again. Two weeks after that, I’ll do follow up fecals and we should be all clear. 🤞🏻

I cleaned out my coop and found a wet spot where water leaked in because the entire thing is in a covered horse stall I always assume it stays pretty dry. Lesson learned. I think I prevented that but I’ll keep a watch. I’m wondering if I have a mite issue, too. I need to do a night check to see what I can see and I might need to treat the coop before adding a new substrate and bedding.
I finally got some eggs! No idea which of my chickens laid them but one did come up and talk to me while I was removing them from the coop! I'm so excited! Also, integration of my EEs is going ok. They will come out of the coop but either hide on my ramp or in a corner when my older chickens are in before I let them out to free range. I'm still not letting the EEs out yet because they can fly really high and one got over my fence. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
One has a shell that is super soft and so yea it fell apart super easily but the other is solid, just a small egg. How do you clip them? Do I need to get a special tool?
You just clip the feathers on 1 wing, and just the primaries, it makes them unbalanced in flight because one wing catches more air than the other.

You can clip them this short or leave them a little longer. You can do one wing or both. You just take a pair of heavy/sharp scissors and cut them off. It's just like cutting hair, they have no nerves there and when they molt it will grow back in.

The one you need a special tool for is pinioning.
And it's like declawing/docking tails/etc. It's an amputation of the wing tip and is no bueno. Clipping wings is totally harmless and easy but often gets mixed up with pinioning.

Edit; do it at night by lifting them off the roost. Since not much can go wrong and the cut is so far from the body it's pretty safe to do by flashlight.

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