LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

well hey there fellow LGB ers.

I have been on BYC for quite some time now, but never saw this thread. I started reading from the beginning. WOW! Sometimes I forget how cruel people can be in this day and age. I came out YEARS ago. It was tough. That feeling you were alone and everyone hated you. Things like these threads can be a great way to connect and have a safe space.

My response to those who say why we would need or want this thread. Well Susan, when you mention your husband does this or that...and I'm over here changing pronouns in my story because after 30 + years of being out and harassed, that I'm scared to admit to being a lesbian even on internet forums...well, there is your answer.

Anyway, back to chickens. I've had them on and off in my life. Raised a farm kid for the most part, cows, chickens, horses, and pigs.

I had 15 chickens for awhile when I lived in Washington State, but had to re home them when I moved to Wisconsin 3.5 years ago. Gf and I bought a house last year and we got 6 chicks this March. The girls have been laying for just over a month now. We have 2 Cali Whites, 2 black Sex links and 2 Barred rocks. Dorthy (Dotty), Betty White Chicken, Sophia and Blanche...we Then decided on Cora and Rhona. Coronoa. bad joke, but whatever lol.

So, I am not gay myself, but have had birds who completely affirmed for me that gay is totally a thing.

Also, have had human friends who are gay and human friends who are bisexual, but because I am so into birds and not so much into humans, the gay birds totally affirmed for me that gay is a TOTALLY REAL THING.

Looking back on this as a human, I am sorry that I was so stupid about sexuality.

It's always a mystery to me how animal people, especially farm people who breed animals and see SO many of them pass through their hands, think LGBT+ is "Unnatural".
Like, dude. You raise animals. Do you know how many doe rabbits I've had that are TERRIBLE at being good breeding does because they don't like bucks, produce almost no babies and refuse to care for them? How many boy bunnies that wanna mount the other boys not fight with them? How about hens that crow and chase away roosters or chickens that are born as chimeras but nonbianary/trans people are just a trendy fad, not real....?

But then I remember that as stewards of livestock with specific goals.... Most of those animals get culled. And how many people think of humans as just a flock to be shepherded. And it all kind of clicks into place. :T :T :T

The good news is it's always OK to grow! And whether it takes a chicken to convince you or not I think we're always excited when people grow and learn. It's always OK to admit that you were wrong and makes you a bigger better person for it! If you're not cringing at your past self, chances are good you're not growing much. :)
Are there any other LGBT folks on this site? I tried to make a thread a few years ago but it got removed. I think it would be cool to have a little community on here!

Hi OP! My name's Gray and I'm queer, nb, and a parent of ducks! I definitely feel the fear of outing oneself in the AG community, but I'm very very VERY happy to see a LGBTQ+ friendly space on BYC 🤗

I've only managed to read through about 20 pages of this 94 (!!!) page forum, but hopefully you're still on here! I was wondering if you'd started your freshman year at university yet. Back when I first started college, (I dropped out after 3 years of biology and recently restarted my journey at 24) I was closeted and scared, especially being at a big state school in the Deep South. But, If I learned anything, it's that you can find your people ANYWHERE! I met a lot of loving and supportive people and had a time so nice, I decided to do it twice. :wee
anyways, your seramas are awesome, and I hope you can keep up with them in college! GOOD LUCK!

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