LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Hey all,
We have our first real snow of the winter and it is freezing cold outside. My chickens seemed to have survived the night but now dont want to come out of the coop to get their food and water. Should I move some food and water in temporarily? The cold is supposed to last through tonight and I was planning on going out every couple of hours to change the water. Any thoughts would be helpful
Do you have a run, where they can be protected from the wind and snow?
Spread a bit of straw or shavings on the ground, after shoveling, to entice them out.

As a reminder, there's a very strong dissenting opinion in the supreme court on if Obergefell v. Hodges (gay marriage) should stand. With recent changes and an uncertain future, these are the types of documents you need.

If anyone in Ohio needs help accessing a lawyer or minister for a hasty legal wedding or drawn up documents to make sure your partner has the legal right to care for you and execute your estate or vice versa, please let me know. I have a lot of contacts.

As a reminder, there's a very strong dissenting opinion in the supreme court on if Obergefell v. Hodges (gay marriage) should stand. With recent changes and an uncertain future, these are the types of documents you need.

If anyone in Ohio needs help accessing a lawyer or minister for a hasty legal wedding or drawn up documents to make sure your partner has the legal right to care for you and execute your estate or vice versa, please let me know. I have a lot of contacts.
It's really sad that the world (or at least America) is like this right now.

I just found out that I am likely covid exposed by someone at work and have been having to think about how I want things handled if I catch it and die.
@Kusanar I'm sorry to hear you were exposed. It is scary to go through. I was exposed super early on but thankfully my results came back negative. Do you have the option to go get tested? It can be nice to know either way. I hope you didn't catch it.:fl
@Kusanar I'm sorry to hear you were exposed. It is scary to go through. I was exposed super early on but thankfully my results came back negative. Do you have the option to go get tested? It can be nice to know either way. I hope you didn't catch it.:fl
My husband is getting tested today (he was also potentially exposed at work last week, a student came to school with it and then that students teacher spent an hour with my husband a day or so later) and I am getting tested tomorrow. Due to hippa they won't tell anyone who it was, but they did say it was someone in my office, there are only 2 people out that it could be and one sits exactly 6 feet from me (they spaced all desks to 6 feet so even if you sit right next to a sick person they can tell you you weren't exposed) and that is the more likely of the 2 that it could be. Whoever it was, they were at work Friday the 23rd and we just found out yesterday, didn't even bother to actually tell anyone, just put a posting up and hoped no one would notice.
Hey guys! I skimmed through this thread a bit ago, and after being on here for a couple months, finally decided to come on here and say that I’m non-bi! And I also thought it would be a good idea to start chatting with other lgbtq+ chicken keepers :)
My brain isn't working at the moment, I saw "I'm non-bi!" and went... wait... so you're straight?? and then it hit me. I'm shaking my head at myself and figured you might get a chuckle out of my brainfart.

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