LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Hmm, today I am feeling tired and undermotivated. But I just feel tired and lonely TBH.
I hear ya, many days here like that.
Give yourself a break. :hugs

Got lucky this morning and had some communing with an eggs for garlic and freshly baked muffins barter.
Sparked me to start the planned pot of chili and get feed this morning,
and feed/shavings moved out to coop juuust before snow storm started this afternoon.
This was actually a semi-regular occurrence before the virus hit and it's one of the things I miss a lot. I got so much done because of the love and support and mere presence of other people. :T Boooo.

Also I want snuggles from my friends. We used to cuddle a lot too.
When I am doing something boring like that and don't have company I tend to prop my phone up somewhere with a youtube video on it. It's great when cleaning litter boxes.

I'm lucky, I have 8 cats, a rat/dog, and a husband to snuggle when I get needy. Even if several of the cats would prefer NOT to snuggle with me... lol
This was actually a semi-regular occurrence before the virus hit and it's one of the things I miss a lot. I got so much done because of the love and support and mere presence of other people. :T Boooo.

Also I want snuggles from my friends. We used to cuddle a lot too.
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs

Best I can do: virtual cuddles from a virtual buddy.

And loves from Dantaat the duckling:
Got verbally attacked at the store. My fault for having my phone out but I was waiting my turn in line where the meat & seafood are. She saw that I was looking on Instagram at the posts with the tag Bi. Told me that I was going to have a painful death for sinning...
I didn't even respond to her since I was already having a panic attack with how close she was to me.
I bought the frog legs I went there for and left without getting anything else that I wanted from the store.
Depending on where you are and what kind of store it is you can report people like that to the managers. At the place my partner works people like that are usually regulars causing trouble anyhow. A lot of times they get asked to leave. But that's in a more progressive area.

Makes me mad tho. I woulda given them an earful, but I'm aggressive.

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