LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Musta been a hell of a time!
It was indeed!
I was 18, not living with parents but still in high school.
It was my 'unofficial' senior trip.

I will never forget seeing a balcony filled with drag queens chanting....
..... "God Save the Queens"!!
Taken before I got a shitton of beads :gig
I really find it interesting how in real life AG folks at shows and otherwise have been very supportive, but online there are people who attack. They all come out of the woodworks I guess. I’m not sure if I want to go to college as being openly trans, especially since I will be starting Hormone Therapy in February and might have the option of going stealth.
As a former ag major, please let me say that times are changing. I hope that you have an amazing scholastic experience. If you run into negativity, just remember to breathe, then remind yourself that no one can determine your worth. You are amazing. Never forget it.
I’ve been to San Francisco and East bay Pride events as a spectator and a volunteer. It is a huge celebration of life, love, and family. People come together as a community and it’s just awesome.

If you’re worried about protestors, there may be those — at least at the big events. But we’ve come a long way since the old days. Here we get so few of them now that we just turn up the music and keep dancing. If you can go with a friend it’s 10x more fun.
Protestors don't bother me at all.
And I'd love to go with a friend but none are available during that.

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