LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

The good thing is, no one stops you when you turn 18 and laminates your gay card and locks you into one identity for the rest of time. You have your whole life ahead of you to figure out who you are and what you want. On top of that, you're never going to stop growing as a person and learning more about yourself. Plenty of people don't figure it out until well into adulthood, and it's just fine. I know it's frustrating, but there really is no real time pressure.
💖🦄🎉 And I am so glad I didn't get my queer card laminated 20 years ago!
Unsolicited Advice Warning, Ignore If Needed

Having just escaped out the other side of graduate school, the best advice I can give is that even if you cannot do anything else to make things better, sleep as much as is humanly possible for you. It doesn't make the other stuff stop, but it makes it a lot easier to react to than when sleep deprived.
Unsolicited Advice Warning, Ignore If Needed

Having just escaped out the other side of graduate school, the best advice I can give is that even if you cannot do anything else to make things better, sleep as much as is humanly possible for you. It doesn't make the other stuff stop, but it makes it a lot easier to react to than when sleep deprived.

thanks. I needed that.

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