LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

After much discussion staff has decided to merge the two threads on LGBT Chicken keeping. Hopefully things can remain civil on this thread as they were before. Members that aren't respectful will be removed from participating in it. Thank you.

Thank you and the rest of the staff very much for reconsidering and merging/reopening the threads.
Since it's been a while since we've had our thread, let's have introductions again (also so I don't misgender anyone by accident):

I'm Hyla, they/them, agender and panromantic
I’m Mae, she/her, cis, hetero, and really freaking old. Like from back when they called us “f** hags”, not allies. Back when Pride was more march than parade. :old

I like seeing folks able to be who they are, follow their hearts. It really is wonderful that so many places are becoming more accepting. I know we’re not all the way there yet, but we’re working on it.

Happy Pride Month! Gawd I miss the festivities!
My insta story:

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