LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I’m happy to see this thread reopen.

I have struggled being gay throughout my childhood. It not easy of myself growing up. With a mother deeply rooted in Christianity and Korean society frowns upon homosexuality. It was personally hard and depressing to live two lives in one body under my mom roof. Still is.
I was once that young boy who didn’t like spider man, power rangers. I never wanted to be like them either. I wanted to be Sailor Moon! Lol

I wish I could tell my mom I don’t want it be a man of my own household. I want someone who can protect me and my soulmate while I am invincible of my own life and career. I have no desire to have my own set of family either. I know my mom deep down understands she never have any grandchildren out of me. Ever. But outside she pretends I will be out that phase. Nope. But I have to accept as well my mom couldn’t accept me being gay.
I’m so sorry. I feel the same but my family is just strict Catholic and I used to be a girl. Someday she might understand and accept you, no matter what happens don’t let people change who you are. You are a strong woman (unless you’re nb) and you sound like you’ll find some great guy who will love you and accept you.

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