LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I started a new job.

I am now "New girl"...

Nobody besides people on the internet know that I prefer to not be gendered. Its scary to Tell people. My Parents are , accepting of the LGBTQ+ community , but I'm scared of being judged or being accused of seeking attention.

I'm just confused, really. I'd like to tell them to please not call me she, or her... or "new girl". I just don't want my new nickname to be "weird new girl". I'm so prideful online, but I cower in shame in real life. and for WHAT! I'm such an ally, but I cant even support myself. I feel like I'm just seeking attention, or trying to be different.

or maybe I really am non binary.

its probably just trauma, really. So used to being accused of seeking attention. Can't do anything without thinking "am I just an annoying attention seeker".. usually the answer is yes, but the thoughts I have when I'm alone, with nobody to seek attention from tells a different story.
Make my day, and don't use gendered words for me. I smile every time.

but when I'm called they, I feel like a faker.

can I just ask to not be spoken to?? Don't refer to me ever, thanks LOL
don’t worry, we all know you aren’t an attention seeker. sexuality and gender is hard sometimes. i thought i was gay but then it turned out i was bi. i went through the same thing where people thought “every time” i came out i was doing it so people could give me attention. pronouns are especially hard, and it hurts when someone calls you the wrong one.
anyways, thanks for updating us and let us know if/when you “find out” what your pronouns/gender/sexuality is :D
When I was at the vet last weekend I spoke with an androgenous man who had a button pinned to his scrubs saying simply, "he/him/his."

Perhaps wearing a they button would help you get in person people to gender you appropriately while helping you not feel like you have to keep bringing up gender.

Also, I'm completely with @eggsandhens we know you aren't trying to get attention. 💖 And it is completely normal to not know exactly who you are right away. I thought I was a lesbian for many years. Now I know I'm pan and non bionary anyway.

People who don't understand think you should know all along. It is hard to not let them get to you.

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