LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

@KikiDeAnime I agree with Kale that the best thing to do is ask (though I empathize with how difficult that can be). FWIW when I worked at a restaurant for many years, I lost hours for all sorts of reasons many of which had nothing to do with me directly

- the manager made a mistake scheduling (very common)
-I was in trouble (rare)
-it was a slow time of year and they had to cut everyone’s hours to stay profitable (also very common)
-they hired someone new
-There was a misunderstanding about my availability
-Someone more vocal had demanded additional hours

Even in the very rare, worst case scenario of a performance related issue, talking things through produced a clear way forward to getting my old schedule back. And if it was another issue, like not enough hours to go around, being vocal about my desire to work helped pave the way for getting more shifts once things picked up.
Hola! Y’all should check out what I received in the mail : D
My brother said faggot and I told him the meaning and he said that he would burn gay people too and said he couldn’t wait to call my gay friends faggots and he hoped he didn’t have a faggot sister and that gay people are sick in the head and it’s a choice

I just feel so unlucky cuz I’m a bunch of minorities which will already make my life hard, and in the area I live almost nobody is homophobic but somehow my family is…

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