LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Intersex are the people who have some of both sexes in their biological make up. XXY is how I've seen the gender designation for chromosomes.

Asexual is non-sexual. Not that they don't have a gender identity, but that sex isn't a motivation for them. No sex drive, I guess you could say. But they're ok with that. They like being "just friends."

I actually dislike the term "Just friends." If love -- of money, power, sex -- makes the world go 'round, the special love that is friendship is what keeps it from flying apart at the seams.
Intersex are the people who have some of both sexes in their biological make up. XXY is how I've seen the gender designation for chromosomes.

Asexual is non-sexual. Not that they don't have a gender identity, but that sex isn't a motivation for them. No sex drive, I guess you could say. But they're ok with that. They like being "just friends."

I actually dislike the term "Just friends." If love -- of money, power, sex -- makes the world go 'round, the special love that is friendship is what keeps it from flying apart at the seams.
that's aromantic, where you just want to be friends. asexual is a spectrum. You can enjoy sex but not want to have sex with anyone, only want sexual relationships with some people, or you don't enjoy/want sex at all
So will that mean you will never get married?
Not necessarily, I'd think. Some people marry for companionship. Though mostly you hear about that in older couples.

I bet that there are "A"s out there of all ages, looking to find other As. Sex is an inborn biological drive, otherwise our species would have died out long ago. But as a society, we make sex into such a big thing that rules our lives. Look at a day's worth of advertising to see that!
Not necessarily, I'd think. Some people marry for companionship. Though mostly you hear about that in older couples.

I bet that there are "A"s out there of all ages, looking to find other As. Sex is an inborn biological drive, otherwise our species would have died out long ago. But as a society, we make sex into such a big thing that rules our lives. Look at a day's worth of advertising to see that!
That's pretty interesting and cool to learn about. Haven't even thought about the companionship thing. Almost like a best friend you'll always have by your side

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