LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

omg I need to vent before I go off on the owner of this dog.

my dad called me outside in a hurry and this dog had my baby Cayenne, a young cinnamon queen, in its mouth! Dad took care of the one with my chicken I took care of the second dog that was sniffing around by throwing a chunk of wood at it, both of them ran off and my neighbor told me that the dog has killed like two or three other flocks and he’s spoken to the owner, he said, and I quote “if I see your dog near any of my neighbors chickens it’s going to the river, and if I see it in anyone’s yard it’s going to the shelter” and the OWNER said “okay but do it quietly” like bro! Just tie the dog out or get a fence! You’d rather get your dog shot cause you won’t take care of it? The dog is super super sweet but if it’s killing my chickens and I can’t stop it it’s going to get shot. I reported it to the shelter I volunteer at and they said they’ll open a case for the dog if there’s not already one… and they’ll have one of the officers (animal control officer) will call in the morning for more information and addresses, but my poor Cayenne, she had chunks of feathers ripped out, the big white patch of feathers in a picture below is under her wing, and the picture of the handful of feathers is not even a fourth of what I found in my neighbors raspberry bush and all over the yard where the dog chased her.
She wasn’t putting her wings down for awhile, she did a little while ago though, i brought her inside and cleaned her up, made sure she wasn’t bleeding and gave her mealworms, she’s fine now, but a bit traumatized, she was really scared of our puppy that looked a lot like the dog but after I had the puppy sniff her she calmed down.
that's terrible. they shouldn't even have a dog. I hope Cayenne will be ok.
@KikiDeAnime Sending hugs :hugs:hugs and positive waves your way.

We're here if you need to vent/talk/be with people who think you're cool to hang with.

Just feeling terrible that my manager, Jenn, got chewed out by a customer due to a mistake that I made.
I've also been losing a lot of sleep lately due to the work schedule change.
Can you talk to your manager, Jenn, about this? Did you figure out what you did wrong, and how not to make that mistake again? It says a LOT about you as a person that you're taking this personally. :thumbsup
She actually brought it up to me at work yesterday. I apologized to her about her getting yelled at for my screw up. She just reminded me about making sure not to let it happen again.

I am slightly pissed at the customer because I did ask him if he wanted one of our carts that can leave the store but he turned me down. I mean, I should have insisted and not let him leave until he had one but I didn't.

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