LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

They can no longer keep her on her back and have to keep her on her stomach so that she can breathe better. Her kidneys aren't doing so well either but they're giving her something for that.
Things aren't looking too great. I'll be offline for a while.
I'm sorry. That must be so hard. I really hope she gets better.
I’m ready to mutate
Went out and got my hair done at Supercuts. The ladies there have been very supportive for the past 2 weeks. They know about my mother's passing and have been telling me comforting words.
your mom will live on in all your memories and stories of is hard, but the open wound in your heart will heal over time
your mom will live on in all your memories and stories of is hard, but the open wound in your heart will heal over time
When my mom died, it was a year before I didn't cry about it at least once a day. A chapter of my life was over, done, in the middle of the story.

People were weird around me; they hesitated to say anything that had to do with their moms, or even say the word "mom," because "it might remind me..."

Like you think I'd forget, for even a second? They thought I didn't want to talk about her. No, really, I WANT to talk about her. Like the funny sound her cheeks made when she smiled. Like how she knew what I was going to say sometimes. Like how we both loved popcorn. I want people to know what a wonderful person she was.

So, please tell us about your mom, if there are stories you'd like to share.

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