LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I'm feeling kind of upset right now.
So I go to the Mormon church where the official doctrine is anti-lgbt+ but it has divided a lot of its members over the issue. My dad is the bishop, basically a pastor/leader, and last night I overheard a meeting he was having with some of his counselors concerning the lgbt/ally kids in the church and how to approach the issue to keep unity within the congregation. He's conservative but empathetic and tried to give as much nuance as possible given the church's actual teachings. So as someone who is left-leaning and pretty much a nonbeliever, personally, I was feeling hopeful for the future.
That's until the early morning lesson we had today. It was about THE church document that blatantly said LGBT rights were an attack on the nuclear family structure and gay/trans rights are the devil's work. And there wasn't really any sort of sympathy or even a reminder to 'love the sinner hate the sin' that gets preached a lot in Mormon culture. I wanted to slam my head through the wall the entire lesson.
I wonder if the meeting last night was related at all to today's lesson. I sincerely hope that the meeting was in response to the planned lesson, although if that were the case I would suspect the lesson would have at least been tackled with a bit more nuance and sympathy. If the lesson was in response to the meeting, I have lost faith in humanity. And if they are not related whatsoever, I hope to bring it up to my dad my feelings on the lesson at some point. Because that lesson AIN'T IT. And the church doctrine AIN'T IT. It's easy to forget sometimes, especially as an ally without the lived queer experience, but there are still homophobes and transphobes out there who genuinely believe that their values are being threatened.
Hopefully it wasn't. Sorry that you had to go through that.

'love the sinner, hate the sin'
My mother used to say that phrase a lot, at home and at our church.
Heya! I've just started being more active on BYC due to some discourse I had about a year ago! I'm a genderqueer lesbian and I had no idea this thread existed until now :D

I'm hoping to find more LGBTQ+ chicken keepers, and I really love the premise of this thread! I also haven't seen many chicken keeping neopronoun-users and I hope I can find more through this thread!!
Heya! I've just started being more active on BYC due to some discourse I had about a year ago! I'm a genderqueer lesbian and I had no idea this thread existed until now :D

I'm hoping to find more LGBTQ+ chicken keepers, and I really love the premise of this thread! I also haven't seen many chicken keeping neopronoun-users and I hope I can find more through this thread!!
Hi!! Welcome :wee
Heya! I've just started being more active on BYC due to some discourse I had about a year ago! I'm a genderqueer lesbian and I had no idea this thread existed until now :D

I'm hoping to find more LGBTQ+ chicken keepers, and I really love the premise of this thread! I also haven't seen many chicken keeping neopronoun-users and I hope I can find more through this thread!!
Hi there, welcome! Cool seeing neopronouns here! I never understood them very well but that's what this thread is for, learning from and understanding others! Very glad to have you.

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