LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

That's how I think🤣 ok to be fair... I don't got to a movie just to see the characters, but you know if they happen to be hot, I'm not complaining. My guilty pleasure movie this year was the new Black Panther. It was  amazing
Never saw the original. Only saw a fraction of marvel movies. The hot characters almost always die, and I'm just not a big superhero fan when it's not doing something new or dated
Welcome, @fluffycrow! It's nice to meet you! I totally understand having to be in the closet and being super careful about who you're open around. My boyfriend is Bi and he isn't out to his family or work and well... yeah let's just say that his parents aren't exactly the safest to tell that to... so we always have to be super careful about if pictures get posted on facebook or what the excuse is for him to come up and see me. It can be a mess sometimes.

Sometimes I'm talking to people and they're saying something like "Oh, I can't do that because people will judge me."
And I'll get so confused because my mindset is something like: "Be yourself and if people judge you they're wasting their own time because I don't give a ~ about their opinion" - Me (inspirational I know)
THISSS!! A thousand times this!

My favorite quote along these lines is actually from Dr. Seuss. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind."

Andddd we've exploded fandoms everywhere, yay! Tis that time I see! I need to actually like sit down and watch stuff, I just haven't in a while. Need to also get caught up on Owl House but I'm not sure if the next episode dropped yet or not. (I can never remember, my bf is up to date on all the Owl House stuff, he's obsessed).
Welcome to all the new people!! Although we still get some hecklers sometimes, just report them and move on- they're not too common. I'm so glad this thread is getting re-populated! I know I haven't been on here in a while either lol.
Currently I have no idea what my sexuality (I just tell people it doesn't matter cuz I don't date anyways) or gender is anymore 🥲 watch me take another year to figure it out 🤣
Welcome to all the new people!! Although we still get some hecklers sometimes, just report them and move on- they're not too common. I'm so glad this thread is getting re-populated! I know I haven't been on here in a while either lol.
Currently I have no idea what my sexuality (I just tell people it doesn't matter cuz I don't date anyways) or gender is anymore 🥲 watch me take another year to figure it out 🤣
Took me 9 years and I'm still figuring the lesser specifics out. No rush
Yeah, it's really complicated. Right now I'm very happy with my sexuality label, gender too, though I'm not 100% on that so I'm not closing that door yet. As for attraction, I'm still figuring things out, as I really don't feel any romantic attraction (or at least up till now) like I definitely experience all the other types of attraction, I'm just not too sure if what I feel would be classified under romantic attraction. But hey, I've got a lot of time ti figure things out, no one's rushing!
Hey, I didn't realize I was a man till I was 24 years old. It takes time so definitely seconded and thirded and fourthed on not rushing anything.
Yeah. For a good few years I had thought I might be Trans. Didn't fit right though still. Figured out just recently that I'm actually probably gender fluid instead of one specific gender.

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