LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

This might be completely random but have any of you been to Las Vegas before?
Twice. Not a place I would choose to go, ever again.

First time was a family trip out west, and we met a friend there. Played the nickel slots for $2 worth, ho hum. Didn't go to any shows, but would have if there had been anyone we really wanted to see.

Second time was for a conference I really wanted to go to, and it just happened in be in Vegas. Still didn't care for it.

I don't find gambling fun, or exciting. I don't know anything about card games like poker or blackjack, so my only experience was that $2 of nickel slot machines.

I would not go (even at my age) by myself. Our family trip was when I was 16, and even though I was with my parents and the family friend, I was often uncomfortable with guys "checking me out." And, believe me, I was not a "hot" chick at 16.
Planning another road trip?
Not exactly a road trip. Twitchcon is going to be in Las Vegas this year in October so I was thinking of flying over.

I'm trying to plan it better with my friend because she and her boyfriend are driving over for the 'When we were young' festival.
I would carpool with them but they already have a full car already.
Her boyfriend already said that they'd be able to drive me to TwitchCon if I actually went.
I kill most of mine. I have an aloe and a cactus though that have managed to survive like 4 years

Love the succulents. If I've learned one thing in my plant keeping journey, it's that everyone has a green thumb, they just might be trying the wrong plants for them. My favorite quote: "what you know is that what you're doing now isn't working, so change it up!" . Also speaking from personal experience, we all tend to overwater our chlorophyllous friends. Hope your two wonderful succulents keep thriving, and hope I encouraged you to keep trying, we all kill some plants!
Oh I get that. I thought the exact same thing, many times in the past I tried to keep my plants alive, and nothing. They crippled away, taking my hope of owning an indoor jungle with them. But then, I found succulents, and something clicked! Many people find them hard, I honestly love them! I could forget they exist for 6 months, and they'd be happily blooming! And no, I'm not exaggerating, I have actually had it happen

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