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Is there a reason people aren't raising their kids right anymore?
This is disgusting
Well, it IS NYC. But, something happened between the time I was a kid, and when my kids were born. For some reason, people of my age (55) started thinking they had not been raised right or something... So, they let their own kids go wild and did not discipline the little hellions. Thankfully, I was never one of those and my kids turned out (for the most part) pretty good.
Is there a reason people aren't raising their kids right anymore?
This is disgusting
I get that it’s nowhere near as bad as that video, but the “young men in hoodies” in my class spend their time chugging energy drinks, making animal noises, making all range of offensive jokes, being gay in the most homophobic way if that makes sense, objectifying women, buying a gallon of milk or a whole watermelon at lunch just to spill it everywhere/ or eat it with their bare hands, and being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc and just generally being obnoxious. Oh and don’t get me started on the dirty jokes :barnie
Spiked freckled lemonade at Red Robin's
I get that it’s nowhere near as bad as that video, but the “young men in hoodies” in my class spend their time chugging energy drinks, making animal noises, making all range of offensive jokes, being gay in the most homophobic way if that makes sense, objectifying women, buying a gallon of milk or a whole watermelon at lunch just to spill it everywhere/ or eat it with their bare hands, and being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc and just generally being obnoxious. Oh and don’t get me started on the dirty jokes :barnie
and they all look up to Andrew Tate I bet 😭
And of course I miss the entire dog conversation! It's alright. Though it does help answer a question I've had for a while! Which is, if you have a service/assistance dog, can you cross train them for a sport like agility, show, Schutzhund, flyball, etc?
One thing to consider with sports like shutzhund is it might cause legal issues if something does go wrong and your assistance dog bites someone, since you are training your dog to bite. Also check if it is legal to do where you are, I have heard some people say that it is illegal to train a assistance dog in bitework but I don’t know if that is actually true anywhere

I plan to try as many sports as I can with my assistance dog and see what we like! Not many near us but I am going to try agility, rally, working trials, hoopers and maybe obedience
But, something happened between the time I was a kid, and when my kids were born. For some reason, people of my age (55) started thinking they had not been raised right or something... So, they let their own kids go wild and did not discipline the little hellions. Thankfully, I was never one of those and my kids turned out (for the most part) pretty good.
I'm 61, and yeah, I don't understand how parents can let their kids get to be so... out of control. I have heard/read all the excuses. Self control and respect for others is NEVER out of style.

And I am heartened by the people of the younger generation who have both. Their may be hope for humankind.
I'm 100% behind kind, validating, understanding parenting.
The trouble is when people decide everything their kid does is fine, and they never learn discipline!

I'm against most of old school parenting, when it comes to hitting, yelling, harsh punishments. The way a child is treated from 0-7 literally physically shapes their brain. It's so important to treat them with the respect that we want them to learn and have for others.
That said, modern parenting has so much discipline lacking. There needs to be a middle ground, of validating, loving parents, and responsible discipline.

I mean, I was treated fairly well, as a child, but the way my sibling was treated in front of me terrified me. So I still grew up afraid of my parents, and those fears have become more and more real as I've grown up.

I don't want children anymore, but if I ever had any, I hope to do better

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