LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

And it might seem like there are too many labels, but that's just because everyone's experience is unique. Naturally, people want a way to describe and define themselves, so more just get added.
I think I can speak for most of us when I say that there are labels  I dont understand fully. I think all of us are constantly learning, I know I am! I spend a lot of time on tiktok lives which center around educating people on the LGBTQ community. I've learned more in the past week than I have in my 20 years of life!

what is most frustrating, is when one LGBT+ person hates on another person. For example, a gay person being transphobic, or a transgender person being hateful towards non binary people.
Our community definitely has some issues, unfortunately.
I'm glad this thread is so supportive and united
I think I can speak for most of us when I say that there are labels  I dont understand fully. I think all of us are constantly learning, I know I am! I spend a lot of time on tiktok lives which center around educating people on the LGBTQ community. I've learned more in the past week than I have in my 20 years of life!

what is most frustrating, is when one LGBT+ person hates on another person. For example, a gay person being transphobic, or a transgender person being hateful towards non binary people.
Our community definitely has some issues, unfortunately.
I'm glad this thread is so supportive and united
Heck, my exgirlfriend constantly tried to convince me I wasn't bi, I was just doing it for the extra attention (to which my question was always 'what extra attention, have you seen me?')
what is most frustrating, is when one LGBT+ person hates on another person. For example, a gay person being transphobic, or a transgender person being hateful towards non binary people.
Our community definitely has some issues, unfortunately.
I'm glad this thread is so supportive and united
yeah, or the issues people have with intersectionality (mostly class + race of other LGBTQ+ people)... no community's perfect, but I too am grateful for this thread which is (mostly) inclusive and uplifting
This truly is a great little community we have! I would say our humor is also top tier, but we're biased
Season 1 Ugh GIF by Now Apocalypse
Heck, my exgirlfriend constantly tried to convince me I wasn't bi, I was just doing it for the extra attention (to which my question was always 'what extra attention, have you seen me?')
I've heard this so many times! Like, what are we getting???
Except for the threats and the hatred and bigoted laws.....
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yeah, or the issues people have with intersectionality (mostly class + race of other LGBTQ+ people)... no community's perfect, but I too am grateful for this thread which is (mostly) inclusive and uplifting
I'm not sure I should go too far down this road, but I often see homosexual cis white people on social media who insist they know exactly how other people (especially people under the trans umbrella) feel. They basically behave like "be quiet, don't complain, I experience hatred too"
But there are levels of privilege that we have as cis white people, we DONT know exactly what its like for other people. I wish that were a little more acknowledged by some people in the community. It isn't a competition, but they talk about it as though it is. We need to accept that some of us have more privilege than others, and that isn't fair. And we should be speaking up for those people.

Overall we just need to protect eachother, especially those who face more battles, different battles, than we face, instead of invalidating their experiences
I'm not sure I should go too far down this road, but I often see homosexual cis white people on social media who insist they know exactly how other people (especially people under the trans umbrella) feel. They basically behave like "be quiet, don't complain, I experience hatred too"
But there are levels of privilege that we have as cis white people, we DONT know exactly what its like for other people. I wish that were a little more acknowledged by some people in the community. It isn't a competition, but they talk about it as though it is. We need to accept that some of us have more privilege than others, and that isn't fair. And we should be speaking up for those people.

Overall we just need to protect eachother, especially those who face more battles, different battles, than we face, instead of invalidating their experiences
Yeah I've seen a lot of people say something along the lines of "I'm __(minority)_, *insert trauma dump* it's so hard to be me" and it becomes a competition of who is more traumatized so then they can feel more justified abt something?? I don't really understand it.
The point is, we all have individual struggles, especially if it's dependent on race, gender, class, or sexuality, and you can't say your struggle is harder than another or it's easier to be a certain minority because they're different, and you can't really compare the struggles.
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Completely the owner of those dogs at fault. It doesn't matter if a dog has behavioural issues, it's always the attacking dog who is at fault Especially when off lead in a public place, or WORSE, on someone else's property.

My fear is that a small dog will attack my anxious dog, or my larger dog (she is resource aggressive, but would definitely defend herself if a dog went at her properly)
If the attacker is small, it could easily be fatally injured by mine. And I'm afraid someone will blame my massive dog, because people would probably believe them.
Honestly sometimes I wish I could record my walks. Even if I skip the dog parks and country side, I end up with unleashed dogs running across the street
Yeah, they even had to cross the street to get to us. So like what if a car had been passing and hit the dogs?
Yes, so many people don't train their small dogs at all and the small dogs get away with so much more bad behavior 😓
Recording your walks might be a good idea, you never know what you might catch on camera!
Yeah we don't even go to parks or dog parks but almost have an issue every week (sometimes multiple times a week)

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