LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

This is going to sound so lame, but my ex hardly talks to me anymore and I feel so sick right now

I don't have a single friend, I don't have family support
I'm just alone
He was my best friend and it feels so cold now :(

It's not like I'm able to actually date women, it feels impossible so why did I even leave, right now it just feels like I lost a friend
I know that sounds dumb and unhealthy and I rant too much :(
It doesn’t sound lame at all. I’m struggling with friends and family right now too and I understand how hard it can be. It’s really NOT dumb or lame!!
Can I just say how much I love your long messages😭 as BelovedBirds said, as a cis person, I can leave my house feeling relatively safe, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be. Totally understand wanting a protection dog, plus it's totally bad a$$😎 (sorry humor is my way of coping with stress)
LOL! I'm so very used to forums with rules about double posting so I try to keep everything in one post as much as possible.

But yeah! Both of you are right, it's extremely f#@$ing scary out here right now (I can't swear like I do when I talk normally!! lol) and the fact that I have ptsd and adhd on top of everything else going on in my life doesn't help matters much. I appreciate the heck out of all ya'll so much because you get it as much as you can!

And omg yes protection dogs are bad a$$ indeed. (I maayyy have been watching some championship Schutzhund competitions just now lol I absolutely love that sport so much).
Personally I think humour is always appreciated!

Dark/Morbid/Inappropriate humor is how I have coped with most of my entire life. If I'm not cracking bad jokes, it's beyond a bad situation. It's dire levels of bad.

And educational too. I appreciate everyone on here teaching me.

Yup. I want to tell people, "How DARE you try on my pain, and if it doesn't hurt you, think it shouldn't hurt me?!"

Yup, back in my day, Queer wasn't something you called people. Unless you wanted a fight.

Yes, exactly. And I shouldn't dare try on your struggle and say, "Oh, get over yourself," because I can't truly know what it is.

But I can offer my sympathy and try to understand better.

❤️ Sympathy, Empathy, and understanding as much as one can is always welcome and greatly appreciated.

And yeah, Queer has definitely changed meaning over the years.

I still need to do my taxes

Don't remind meeeee I gotta do mine too lol
Am I evil for this? I taught my niece (toddler) to say dude and now she walks in the room and goes "hey dude"
I wonder what her parents are thinking

Also she's duck obsessed. I'm so proud.
She won't go anywhere without two plush ducks. She gets distressed when the tv shows don't have ducks in. And she likes going to see them.
She's super gentle with my girls too, strokes them so gently, and laughs hysterically when Sprightly nibbles her hands. My girls are so gentle and patient with her, quite endearing

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