LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I don’t think I’ve ever lucid dreamed, I think it’s just that I want to do the same thing I would want to do when I’m awake, minus a little bit of common sense. Like I’ve tried to talk but I couldn’t talk AT ALL but I think it was just the dream. Also maybe it’s because I rarely see clocks
Ive had the talking thing before too
Not often though. I talk a lot so I'm well practiced.
I remember a nightmare from my childhood though, being chased by bambi. Truly terrifying, and my legs were frozen. You know how you try to run but it's like running through water?
Totally makes sense as a fear thing though. Bambi is truly terrifying.
mad bambi GIF
I've never noticed clocks in my dreams, I do regularly talk though. There are two types of talking for me. One is where the dream is pre-recorded, that's the best way I can explain it, those are usually dreams and less stressful nightmares. The others are always bad nightmares, or end up like so, where I actually think before talking, those days are also very commonly migraine days as the nightmares end up being really bad
Since we're on the topic of dreams.
My dreams, for some reason, always involve death. I've always tried to find out why but so far nothing makes any sense.

I think sometimes it means what it means - death. But is it death of a person, a habit, a routine, an old part of your life you're moving past? Death isn't always death, but renewal too.
On a different subject, what are yalls pronouns? I wouldn't want to missgender any of you by mistake. @BelovedBirds used they/them pronouns when they (I think you use she/her pronouns but I'm not 100% sure, so I wouldn't like to missgender you) referred to me, even though I do not use they/them pronouns it felt really validating, unlike people assuming. Anyways I guess I should start, I use he/him pronouns and I am cis, for now at least because you know how these things go, everything is almost constantly changing it seems, especially the first few years

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