LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Hey! Up top! :highfive:

Everything I've seen online about the Kangaroo Paw Ferns says that it's care is similar to a Blue Star Fern, and also that they're pretty hardy so they're great for beginners. I'm just kinda watering when he's dry and trying to make sure he's not getting too crispy.... which is easier said than done...

Seems like you're doing a very good job at it! I bet that in a couple of years you'll be a full on fern collector!
Not yet, it's still technically young, I had to do its first pruning a couple of months ago and I still need to get a moss pole for it, though it's getting pretty big. My Silver Monstera I don't think can fruit, and I know my adansonii can't.

Oh goodness, hey sometimes you just kinda find your speciality with plants! Mine just happen to be tropicals it seems. I'm trying desperately to not kill my fern though. My boyfriend got me a kangaroo paw fern for Valentine's Day. It was so adorable, first call of the day for work and he was sent to a florist in downtown Lancaster.

He was cursing his luck and I'm sitting here thinking "That's good luck, because you completely forgot to get me even a card because of how busy you were." So he came home with it in a pretty pot, they repotted it for him, and poor thing, he didn't know that he should've asked them to repot it in a nursery pot and then just buy the extra pretty pot. But it's alright. I can still technically bottom water it... ish.
Gotta try the fruit once it does. I've heard it's like the best thing ever
Just found out that we have a broody Serama and that our rooster Scout has actually been doing his job!!!
I don't know what day the eggs are on or how many she has but I'll be leaving her be.
I found her in the nesting box that the other hens don't use anymore and even though I was going to remove her and get rid of the eggs, I decided to candle them on a hunch. I'm so glad I did!!
I'll post candling photos later tonight in the dark so we can figure out where they are in incubation.
Just found out that we have a broody Serama and that our rooster Scout has actually been doing his job!!!
I don't know what day the eggs are on or how many she has but I'll be leaving her be.
I found her in the nesting box that the other hens don't use anymore and even though I was going to remove her and get rid of the eggs, I decided to candle them on a hunch. I'm so glad I did!!
I'll post candling photos later tonight in the dark so we can figure out where they are in incubation.

So happy to hear! Go serama army:wee!
Just found out that we have a broody Serama and that our rooster Scout has actually been doing his job!!!
I don't know what day the eggs are on or how many she has but I'll be leaving her be.
I found her in the nesting box that the other hens don't use anymore and even though I was going to remove her and get rid of the eggs, I decided to candle them on a hunch. I'm so glad I did!!
I'll post candling photos later tonight in the dark so we can figure out where they are in incubation.

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