LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Thank you!

Also... I realized I made a major goof but still came out okay.

SO apparently the information I found when I was originally double checking what pairing I needed for Red Sex Links was incorrect. What I found said "Rhode Island Red Roo x Barred Rock Hens." Nope. According to this article on Red Sex Links and how to breed them, it's "Rhode Island Red Roo x Rhode Island White/Deleware/White Plymouth Rock Hens"

I accidentally bred Black Stars!!!!
We live and learn! 😅 But no matter the breeding, they are still just as fun to keep. 😊
Thank you!

Also... I realized I made a major goof but still came out okay.

SO apparently the information I found when I was originally double checking what pairing I needed for Red Sex Links was incorrect. What I found said "Rhode Island Red Roo x Barred Rock Hens." Nope. According to this article on Red Sex Links and how to breed them, it's "Rhode Island Red Roo x Rhode Island White/Deleware/White Plymouth Rock Hens"

I accidentally bred Black Stars!!!!
At least they're still sexlinked. Just with barring, not color
I'm a sucker for armor bikinis. Plus it's a fantasy book. And this country is the only one with any current characters in it that metal and leather armor is even feasible for the entire body. The other two countries would cook people stupid enough to put themselves in full armor and fight.

I still might make this character an armor bikini though in the drawings. I think he'd rock it.

In a not unrelated note, anyone happen to know the social workings of meerkat and hyena hierarchies and groups?
Honestly, so am I! If I’m not worried about the character wearing armor that will actually protect them, then it’s great!
Also: to get chain mail shirts off, you have to do an undignified wiggle dance.

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