Life at The Point


Mar 23, 2021
Southeastern Pennsylvania
My husband decided to build our coop on the driveway, claiming he would simply attach wheels and move it to where I wanted it. Unfortunately he got carried away building the damn thing, and it was so heavy it took quite a bit of engineering and manpower to move it šŸ¤£

It is FINALLY (4 months later) where I wanted it. The chickens are loving life back by the sheds. Today my best girls followed me around as I moved and got rid of old rotting wood left outside. They were more than happy to eat all the creepy crawlies I found ā¤

They did start to wander though, and I caught them eyeing up one of the tractors. Curiosity, or planning a jail break? I guess we will find out šŸ˜‚

Well, at least one of my freeloaders has officially leveled up and is now contributing to the homestead! This is the very first egg I've gotten, so pardon my giddy excitement! It's so tiny ā¤
Picture next to store egg for comparison.

Congrats on the 1st egg! Don't worry about the size, they'll get larger as your girl matures.

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