Lil'Brownie wont come out and play...


confidently clueless
13 Years
Jan 15, 2007
Shepherdstown, WV
Hey folks, long time no post... missed you all!

I've had Lil'Brownie for a couple of years now along with her fellow coop mates. Normally outgoing and 'just one of the girls' never any problems. A few weeks back, I found her in the corner of the coop with a minor eye and comb injury. I treated the injuries, she recouperated after a few days and everyone/everything seemed back to normal.
I did bring her out of the coop on several occassions when I noticed she would stay in there by herself all day. Unfortunately, this now seems to be a pattern.
She will not leave the coop no matter how nice a day it is. I thought I had spoiled her by bringing her out the 'people door' while she recouperated and I was treating her. She has always liked being held. I have tried to coax her out the 'hen opening' but she just flat out won't come out.
I suspect now that whatever happened to her happened at or near that opening. I don't mind going in and bringing her out every day, but don't want her to rely on that.
By the way, she goes in the hen opening just fine every night. She just won't come out of it.

The exact opposite of what most posts seem to address! LOL

Any ideas? suggestions?

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