Lily has passed


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
I am going to miss you, my sweet friend.
Coming home will never be the same.
I have not a word worthy for you.
Lie down gently, my little girl.
Lie down softly, Lily.

I remember the day we got Lily. I wanted a dog so bad for I don't really know how long. I was standing there drawing up a place where I would put a dog's kennel in my room. Right there by my door, under this desk I didnt have. Mom suddenly said we were going to go on a plane ride with Uncle Brian and aunt Cathy, just a little joy ride! We quickly got in the car and headed off to the airport deal. When we got there I still didn't know why we were doing this. (mom was acting suspicious..) We got in the plane and off we went. It was so cool being up there! Sometime around the time we were going to land, mom picked up a blanket and under it was a kennel!!! HOLY COW!! haha I got the message pretty quickly. When we got to the breeders place there was Lily, scooting in and out of chairs and under couches. There was this other bigger dog that was super rough and kept biting us. I picked the shy dog, mom paid and we went back to the plane (with our dog!)When we got back home I remember calling Jade, my best friend who lived across right next to us, to tell her I had a surprise for her! lol when she got there she thought Lily was for her.. lol!!!

My fondest memories of Lily are long but sweet. I used to have a wooden bench in front of my bed. Lily would use this bench to get into my bed at night. I would cover her over and she would go to sleep. She even used the pillow. she would get up when I would get up, unless she had to pee. she followed me everywhere, happily panting behind me. When I was at school she would go up and wait for me in a little bed my dad made for dolls. She was in that bed just yesterday, I cant believe how much she had grown.

In this photo you might notice she is on a leash in this photo. She hated that leash, it kept her from doing all the things she wanted to do. When we moved here, she always was outside. She could go whereever she wanted when she wanted. Roll in cow dropping, chase squirrels, or just sit and enjoy the fresh air.

We somewhat knew what her fate was going to be. She was just run right in front of moving vehicles. My only regret is that this morning she was paying attention to her surroundings.

Lily was my baby, we went everywhere together, did everything together. Until yesterday when she didnt see the car backing out of the driveway.

<3Rest in Peace my doll<3

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i am sooooooooooooo deeply sorry for your lost that seriously makes me want to cry i recently had my big dog put down and every morning while i get ready for school i swear i can still see him sitting there watching me like he always does patiently waiting for me to pet him

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