Limping Duck


10 Years
Jun 10, 2013
A few weeks ago I saw my duck was limping. I checked her over no swelling, cut or bumble foot. She wasn’t moving around as much, but still ate and drank so i decided to keep and eye on her.

A couple days after I noticed she didn’t look great. I picked her up and saw she was covered in maggots. From not moving around as much she must’ve sat in poop and gotten fly strike. I gave her a bath and made a vet appointment that day.

The vets told me to put her down. I was at work all day and from what they told me she was on her death bed, and I asked them if i could come to say goodbye. They brought her in the room, and she didn’t look ready to go. She flapped around and quacked and i couldn’t have her put down.

I brought her home and spent all night cutting feathers and cleaning maggots. She spent a couple weeks inside.

I had to go out of town for 10 days so she stayed at my friends house outside with her husband duck. When I picked her up, she seemed much better. They said she went swimming. She still limped but not as bad.

It’s been a couple weeks since at our house and her limp is as bad as ever and she doesn’t move around much. I’m extra watching of the maggots now.

I still don’t know what to do. All of the local vets want nothing to do with a sick duck. We’ve tried all of the supplements and I don’t know why she limps. She still eats and drinks. I’ve had her for several years, and I was told she was a year when I got her. If that’s true she’s a 3 year old pekin.


  • 790A412A-CC01-4D6A-ABB9-330A6A01ED5C.jpeg
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Sorry to hear about your duck.

Could you upload a video of her walking/or trying to, to a video platform like Youtube or Vimeo, then copy/paste the link here?

What is she being fed? What type of suppments?

Could you post a few pictures of her legs, and footpads? Could you feel up and down her bad leg for signs of swelling, abrasions, bruising, discoloration, or warmness?
You can use capstar to get rid of maggots in animals. I am a wildlife rehabber and get baby animals in with maggots somewhat frequently and that is what we use.

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