May 17, 2020
NW Washington
Hey guys! I'm new to the Backyard Chickens site, and fairly new to chicken keeping - i've been doing it for 2 years now. Today while cleaning my flock's coop, I noticed that one of my chickens (a 2 year old hen) was not being herself - lethargic, hunched over, not eating and barely moving. I gave her an Epsom salt bath (in which i noticed that she had some unusual white and green poop encrusted around her vent) and blowdried her, and then put her in my "chicken quarantine" cage, where she has food mixed with water and probiotics, as well as fresh herbs, a diffuser filled with lavender essential oils, freshly minced garlic and water with nutri-drench, electrolytes, vitamins, lacto bacillus, calcium + magnesium supplement, molasses, bach's rescue remedy stress relief, apple cider vinegar and a little bit of tumeric. i left her alone for a while but then noticed that she had pooped a large amount of whitish-yellowish fluid with green chunks (presumably lettuce/ other greens). I administered a few drops of Kocci-Free into her water to hopefully improve her pooping. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? What else can I do for her? If anyone needs me to post some photos of her and her droppings, let me know.
She has diarrhea. What is causing it could be numerous things.

First thought is worms. Are you seeing any signs of worms in the poop?

Second thought could be coccidiosis. To be certain, you'd need a vet to look at a sample to see if there are any signs of that.

Last thought could be heat. Is it very warm where you are? Most of of us are spring weather right now, but many on the board are across the world, so I shouldn't just assume.

Her lethargy is most concerning. It indicates she isn't feeling well. With lack of eating and diarrhea, I'm leaning to coccidiosis or possibly something she ate that was toxic or non-healthy.

It also could be internal issues such as liver disease or internal laying. Has she laid recently? Does her abdomen feel squishy? Does it have a hard lump under her vent?

There are a lot of possibilities.

Personally, I'd slow the home remedies to the vitamins/electrolytes/probiotics. I'd completely stop the lavender essential oil infuser. Birds have very sensitive lungs, and that is likely doing far more damage than good.

If it is coccidiosis, herbals at this point will not help. They only help forestall overgrowths not cure. You'll need to put her on Corid, which you can get at the pet store.

Ditto for worms. You would need to pick up some Safeguard paste (goat wormer is used off label for chickens).

Otherwise it is TLC with herbs in hope her body fends things off.

Without a vet estimation, which can be expensive and many vets won't see chickens, the best is to give overall support and treat for the most likely first. If that doesn't work, you move on to the next most likely.

Please give a photo of her and the poop. Also your results of palpitating her stomach. It should feel like a normal abdominal cavity, not filled with fluid or something hard.

My thoughts.
She has diarrhea. What is causing it could be numerous things.

First thought is worms. Are you seeing any signs of worms in the poop?

Second thought could be coccidiosis. To be certain, you'd need a vet to look at a sample to see if there are any signs of that.

Last thought could be heat. Is it very warm where you are? Most of of us are spring weather right now, but many on the board are across the world, so I shouldn't just assume.

Her lethargy is most concerning. It indicates she isn't feeling well. With lack of eating and diarrhea, I'm leaning to coccidiosis or possibly something she ate that was toxic or non-healthy.

It also could be internal issues such as liver disease or internal laying. Has she laid recently? Does her abdomen feel squishy? Does it have a hard lump under her vent?

There are a lot of possibilities.

Personally, I'd slow the home remedies to the vitamins/electrolytes/probiotics. I'd completely stop the lavender essential oil infuser. Birds have very sensitive lungs, and that is likely doing far more damage than good.

If it is coccidiosis, herbals at this point will not help. They only help forestall overgrowths not cure. You'll need to put her on Corid, which you can get at the pet store.

Ditto for worms. You would need to pick up some Safeguard paste (goat wormer is used off label for chickens).

Otherwise it is TLC with herbs in hope her body fends things off.

Without a vet estimation, which can be expensive and many vets won't see chickens, the best is to give overall support and treat for the most likely first. If that doesn't work, you move on to the next most likely.

Please give a photo of her and the poop. Also your results of palpitating her stomach. It should feel like a normal abdominal cavity, not filled with fluid or something hard.

My thoughts.
I attached a picture of her as well as her droppings. Her comb isn't pale, and her eyes aren't bubbly. Her crop is normal as well as her stomach. She layed this morning.
That is thin stool but not pure diarrhea. Generally they poo that when they are hot.

How hot is it there?

If her eyes and comb are bright, tummy normal feeling, that is all good.

But the huddling and thin stool is not good.

BTW you only see bloody diarrhea at crisis stage with coccidiosis. You can get quite an overload before the bloody diarrhea starts.

If it were my hen and those symptoms, I'd put her on medicated chick start if she is eating. If not I'd eye dropper in some Corid to see if that perks her.

Whenever a bird stands huddled, it is sick....or possibly overly hot.

That is thin stool but not pure diarrhea. Generally they poo that when they are hot.

How hot is it there?

If her eyes and comb are bright, tummy normal feeling, that is all good.

But the huddling and thin stool is not good.

BTW you only see bloody diarrhea at crisis stage with coccidiosis. You can get quite an overload before the bloody diarrhea starts.

If it were my hen and those symptoms, I'd put her on medicated chick start if she is eating. If not I'd eye dropper in some Corid to see if that perks her.

Whenever a bird stands huddled, it is sick.

highest it gets here is 75 right now, lowest 55ish at night. pretty normal. i'll be sure to buy some Corid. thanks!
Hey guys! Just got Corid. Our neighbor is a vet and we got him to look at our chicken, and he suspects coccidiosis. Should i give this to the whole flock, or just her? She's the only one showing symptoms. Also how much should I give her/the flock? Can we eat their eggs while giving them Corid?


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Generally it is best to give the whole flock treatment if one shows signs of coccidiosis. You should also clean your coops and run as the oocysts (eggs from the coccidia) build in the soil/litter re-infecting. You need to cut down on re-infection for the greatest success. Coccidia are ever present, and chickens handle a mild load, but when the environment or surroundings get a heavy load, that's when you can have problems, especially in susceptible birds.

I just follow label directions which should be on the label. Meyer Hatchering sells 9.6% Corid, which looks like the label in your picture stating:
Corid - amprolium
Corid 9.6% Solution aids in the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in poultry. If using on meat poultry, it is important to withdraw 24 hours before slaughter.
* Contains 96 mg amprolium per ml.
* 16-ounce bottle.

Usage in poultry: To treat a severe outbreak of coccidiosis in your poultry mix 2 teaspoons per 1 gallon of water and offer as sole source of drinking water for 5 days. For a moderate outbreak, mix 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water and offer as their sole source of drinking water for 5 days. For prevention, mix 1/2 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water and offer as sole source of water for 21 days.

There is no egg pull time with amprolium, the active drug in Corid.

Be aware she is not eating and drinking well per earlier post, so I would still eye dropper her until she perks. Just set up a quart jar with Corid and use that as her drinking water.

Good luck with her. I hope this does the trick.

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