LISTEN to your kids!!!

I guess it would be wise to have smoke detectors/alarms above the lights. Another gadget to add
. Now...I wonder if they'd use an extinguisher...
I don't know if these are available everywhere, but a fireman just told me about these things you can get to mount over the eyes on your stove. They work like a mix of a fire extinguisher and a sprinkler head. There's a bit of metal that melts if it gets too hot and it dumps the baking soda like stuff that's in the fire extinguisher. Supposedly it's supposed to kill the fire before it gets out of hand.
I wonder if something like that would work in a chicken coop?
About a month ago my 2 year old little girl came to me and said something similar while I was in the kitchen doing laundry.
She hung out with me for a few minutes in the kitchen and I started to feel really woozy and a huge wave of nausea, I immeadiately looked at my propane stove and noticed that someone had turned the knob for a burner and left it with the gas leaking out.
I had been in the kitchen the whole time (no more than 5 feet from the stove!) but I never noticed the smell!
I'll listen to her next time!
Zookeeper- yeah, that's a delimna. They wouldn't go off until there was actually a fire to melt the metal tab thingy. I believe what they dump out is baking soda (baking powder? I never can get those straight). Technically it would be no different than using a fire extinguisher. It'd just work with you not actually there.
Either way (fire or fire extinguisher) you'd have some loss. I'd think with the fire extinguisher thingie you might could save some of you coop and chickens. Dunno. It was just a thought. I don't actually have one. I just heard about them this past week and found it to be an interesting idea.

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