Little torture boxes

<3<3 I <3 Chickens <3<3

10 Years
Aug 1, 2009
I got braces on Tuesday and I HATE them! I am wondering, does anyone share my pain? I really hate having to brush them after every time I eat (but my teeth are very wite) it's really annoying!!!! I have to have them on for two years, so I hope it gets better!!!

I got clear ones
I don't know which is worse, the pain you're having, or the pain I'm having as I'm paying for 3 family members in braces! The orthodontist won't take eggs in exchange for payment
My oldest just got x-rays and impressions done in preparation for getting braces in August. The pain it causes to part with that money! It will all be worth it in the end I know. I had braces twice when I was a kid and I well remember the soreness it caused and how irritating it was to have to be careful of what I ate and how I ate it. At least my teeth are decently straight without any huge gaps now.
I had them for a little over 2 years. You get really good at pain management

By the end, I kinda liked going so I could pick out new rubberband colors and stuff --- by that time I guess I was used to the pain.

Having to remember the retainers after eating was harder for me though - but at least I never threw mine in the cafeteria trash or anything really bad like that!!
My daughter went through that for several years. She never complained even after an adjustment with tears rolling down her cheeks, that kid never complained. Yes for her the periods between adjustments became sort of ho hum. The end result was well worth the pain. (Both physical on her part and monetarily on my part.)
Just be glad that you or your family has the means to pay for braces. I wish I could have had proper dental care when I was young. I'm sure they are no fun, but you will have beautiful teeth when its all said and done.
Ha! When I saw the title - Little Torture Boxes - my mind immediately went to mammograms for some reason.

Braces are a pain. You get used to them.

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