Living in the city with chickens

Lisa saliture

In the Brooder
Dec 23, 2017
I am Lisa and live in Wisconsin. We currently have 5 hens which we got last February. This is our second batch of chickens. The first time we ordered them and raised them about 4 years ago, we ordered 40! we didn't realize how much food and poop we would be dealing with!

We have gotten smarter at raising chickens and this time just got the hens! The roosters are annoying and too loud for suburban neighborhoods. Plus, they are just too pushy with the hens and you really don't need roosters if you just want eggs:)

We have sex links. three are the brown (Rhode Island Red) looking mix and two are white.

I found back yard chickens about a year ago by doing many searches about various chicken issues like raising chicks, etc. I just joined the forum area here today.

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