Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

Well, I did warn you that it was coming and you better not lose this thread! ...thanks for listening.... 🤣🤣🤣
True. You did mention it earlier.
I cant hear you. 😆

Laugh Lol GIF by The Comedy Bar
This long awaited hatch a long has now gone live, I am super pumped! :highfive: :celebrate :wee

Happy Ice Hockey GIF by NHL

Ok, it's morning and my brain has not yet reached its thinking capacity, not that it does when I'm fully awake, 🤣 .... can/do we pick two eggs from any group? I definitely want to root for one of the Chocolates, 😊 but the Ermines have my heart melting. ❤
I have no idea either but when people start following me, I follow back and I follow a few like @TwoCrows thinking that'd help see more posts of the cool people but I don't see that doing anything either. Not sure what good it does but maybe sometime we'll figure that out lol.

Good Luck Charlie What GIF
It's disappointing to follow someone and it doesn't lead you to their "posting feed", so in this respect It's kind of a useless function. 🤣 But in the spirit of BYC and it's wonderful community, it's a nice gesture/friendship kind of thing to do. 😊
It's disappointing to follow someone and it doesn't lead you to their "posting feed", so in this respect It's kind of a useless function. 🤣 But in the spirit of BYC and it's wonderful community, it's a nice gesture/friendship kind of thing to do. 😊

I forget to follow people all the time. There are a bunch of BYC peeps I get on with really well, but forget to follow them
I know, I know... I said I wouldn't do any more risky hatches, but here I am, doing it again. What's life unless you take some risks? We are D-4 days until setting eggs, so consider this the tailgating / pregame hype up to the main event!
I will begin listing what eggs I know I will be setting tomorrow and will finish out the list Friday when I pick up the local hatching eggs and fill in any remaining incubator spaces with eggs from my flock.

Name theme request: hopeful / courageous, / strong / fun / uplifting, about half of these eggs will be shipped or pullet eggs from my flock. Yes, I know hatching pullet eggs isn't ideal, it was not my plan, but life has thrown some forks in my dream road, and here we are attempting to hatch pullet eggs, laid during the coldest weather of the year, trying to keep pieces of my flock and dreams alive. The other half will be some AMAZING purebred eggs from a wonderful local breeder along with some test hatch eggs that will be a satin chocolate paint silkie Chonkers x layer hens (trying to pinpoint why he is a chocolate paint but has black spots and not chocolate) and our EE rooster Fizz Bang x our oldest Black australorp hens who are still great and consistent layers.

Edited! I have decided to group the 12 eggs laid by my pullets last week in the brutal cold together, we will give them a group name and please cheer for the group. Any that develop will be moved from group status to individual where they can be specially named and given direct cheers!

Disregard: Hatch-a-long friends, I have 2 ideas, please let me know the preferred route! As there a quite a few eggs with a high risk of not developing, I can either pair them with a less risky egg, so you name the pair, if one doesn't start or quits you still have one to cheer, if both start... we'll cross that bridge when we get there! The second idea is to hold back the eggs I think are the most risky, if they are developing at 7 days I'll add them to the list for naming. Let me know!

@TwoCrows @Debbie292d @ElfenLied89 @BigBlueHen53 @GreenJay @QueenofKings @Antiocheggers @CoopBoots @GirlsHuntToo @LTAY1946 @fluffycrow @Tookie @tlcmurphy @Chive @21hens-incharge @Obsessed With Silkies @NagemTX

Please tag others as I'm sure I'm missing a many amazing hatch-a-long cheerers who are not risk adverse!
:highfive: thanks for the tag!
Lemme look at the list a minute, strong or hopeful names huh?

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