Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

Well.... If you really want a strong name...
my ☕ is very 💪, 😁 no puny coffee in this house! 🤣
Have you tried Kicking Horse Kick Ass coffee? 😃 or Grizzly from them.

If you need caffeine, Olympic Crest in Washington state has White Coffee, it is INSANE on the caffeine. I've made lattes with it then I can't get my eyelids to even touch together 😳
Have you tried Kicking Horse Kick Ass coffee? 😃 or Grizzly from them.

If you need caffeine, Olympic Crest in Washington state has White Coffee, it is INSANE on the caffeine. I've made lattes with it then I can't get my eyelids to even touch together 😳
How about Cuban coffee ☕️ a cup of that and you can run around the block! Well, maybe after the snow melts :lau
Have you tried Kicking Horse Kick Ass coffee? 😃 or Grizzly from them.

If you need caffeine, Olympic Crest in Washington state has White Coffee, it is INSANE on the caffeine. I've made lattes with it then I can't get my eyelids to even touch together 😳
How about Cuban coffee ☕️ a cup of that and you can run around the block! Well, maybe after the snow melts :lau
Those sound like one I had years ago, called Fogbuster or Foglifter LoL I forget, but holy cow what a jolt! ⚡

We get our beans from a coffee shop that was started by a Turkish guy and his wife. There's no such thing as a light roast anything in there! 🤣
Hi thanks for the tag. I think I'm caught up now. But not real sure what you are asking strong names for the eggs? If I have that right why not go with Norse gods names. Thor, Oden Valkyrie female warriors :idunno
And now I can't stop seeing this fluffy little chick with a determined face saying They call me Little McFloofy Fluffy Patooty and I am MIGHTY!

flying super hero GIF by Molang
<3 I will happily adopt any two eggs that need a cheerleader:

Uplifting/strong names:
Zenith, Apex

Best of luck to all the little eggies; make us proud!
Thank you! I'm giving you one from my flock and. Lavender Ameraucana Bantam! If you haven't seen the bantams, I highly recommend a quick Google as they are INSANELY adorable!!!
I should be able to update the # of eggs available again tonight, the ones have shipped so as long as they have a safe journey I know how many of each color are coming, I'll have a heads up on the local eggs tonight too :ya

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