Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

They've been on my "breeds I need" list for years, I'm finally going to try and hatch some!

They were prolific layers, even though they were absolutely suffering in the heat. In October they stopped completely, but up to that point I got two eggs each day. Plus they're so poofy. Fun fact. In almost 12 years of chicken keeping, I've never had a peck draw blood, until I got these two girls. Their beaks are razor sharp
They were prolific layers, even though they were absolutely suffering in the heat. In October they stopped completely, but up to that point I got two eggs each day. Plus they're so poofy. Fun fact. In almost 12 years of chicken keeping, I've never had a peck draw blood, until I got these two girls. Their beaks are razor sharp
So my rooster Fizz Bang is going to have a rival for who can draw the most blood!?! Lol. Perfect....
His pecks draw blood too? I'm honestly scared to hand feed the brahma. They always miss, and my finger always pays the price. Good thing their man is very into tidbitting
Eh... Fiz prefers to draw blood with his spurs, and his kicks hurt more than I think they should coming from a little 8 pound ball of fury.

Once at a zoo I decided to feed a rhea by hand, I was curious what it would feel like. I expected a pretty firm wallop from its beak, I was prepared for that... nope, it just ate my whole hand, fingers right into its mouth and it gave a big old chomp down. I was laughing so hard, it hurt and left red marks on my hand for the rest of the day, but I was too entertained to care 🤣
Eh... Fiz prefers to draw blood with his spurs, and his kicks hurt more than I think they should coming from a little 8 pound ball of fury.

Once at a zoo I decided to feed a rhea by hand, I was curious what it would feel like. I expected a pretty firm wallop from its beak, I was prepared for that... nope, it just ate my whole hand, fingers right into its mouth and it gave a big old chomp down. I was laughing so hard, it hurt and left red marks on my hand for the rest of the day, but I was too entertained to care 

Sometimes the lil' guys have anger issues. Oh my gosh, that sounds both painful and hilarious🤣

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