Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

@2ndTink what mat do you put in during lockdown? Also, whats your favorite incubator you've used so far?
I've only done 2 hatches, well three if you count the staggered hatch as two. My first hatch was last summer using a NR360, then in December I did a staggered hatch in the Brinsea Ovation Advance 56, and I LOVE the Brinsea. Our house is old so it stays pretty cool in the winter, the furnace only heats half the house and we have to use electric in the rest, and it's not super well insulated... the NR360 has some trouble keeping a steady temperature and has hot and cold spots, the Brinsea is AMAZING! Super steady and even with the temperature. The crazy thing is, a lot of people, including a lot of the"fancy" silkie breeders use NR360s.

But you asked about mats, both hatches I used the shelf liner, the foamy kind with the holes in it. I bought it, cut it to size, and washed it since it smelled like chemicals. This hatch in trying to track who hatches from what egg on several of the eggs so I made a hatching basket thing out of plastic canvas. I haven't decided yet I'll use shelf line in them. I'll post a photo later and get some input from the hatching experts here 😊

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