Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

That is very true!

Thank you for your experience, nice to learn something new each day! Something else that interests me; do drakes act in a similar fashion as roosters? Do they, for example, keep the group together, and accompany the hens to the nest boxes and back, or is their role solely mating?
I haven't had nearly as many drakes as roosters so I feel much less of an innate familiarity with their behavior. Ducks tend to group together and move as a unit; I haven't noticed any individual bird causing this collective movement or "guiding" them. Their behaviours tend to be quite different from roosters in terms of specific courtship, etc.
I haven't had nearly as many drakes as roosters so I feel much less of an innate familiarity with their behavior. Ducks tend to group together and move as a unit; I haven't noticed any individual bird causing this collective movement or "guiding" them. Their behaviours tend to be quite different from roosters in terms of specific courtship, etc.

Interesting. I believe ducks are the only bird that is allowed to be herded by herding dogs, maybe this collective effort to move, as opposed to one bird urging the rest to move, us what makes it possible
Gorgeous! Would you like any other duck breed then the ones you have/had?
Calls are my favorite, hands down. I'll admit that I went out and bought all the duck breeds that I fancied as soon as I could get my hands on them. :p I can't think of any others I'd like to try at the moment. Maybe east indies.

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