Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

I candle once at about 10 days and then at 18 as I put them into lock down. I have enough jobs to keep me busy with out flirting the the little one before they start hatching and then I can't take my eyes off of them.
I'm trying to wait for 7, 14, and 18, and obviously failing šŸ„“ must look, must know :ya
Rubber band on the wrist, SNAP! Ouch, but I still want to candle šŸ„ŗ

Whoohoo, hatching more chickies for you to come pick up! We'll hatch the extra most perfect silkie cockerel for your Atropos!
Yyyyyeeeeeessssss! She needs something to go with her grayish black feathers. What color would be good?

And you can candle! Won't be much difference yet and would drive you crazy-er. Lol. I swear I candled everyday just to see the difference and the movement in there. It was so cool!

Great. Now I want to hatch again.
Hubby noticed the plethora of eggs tonight šŸ˜¬ "you even have eggs there!?! Are they even supposed to be there!?!" Oops... :oops:

If you see me tomorrow and it looks like I spent the night in a coop, just smile and wave, and keep walking...

It's okay. I will buy more eggs or chickens and join you. :lau:jumpyHubs said if I bought anymore he would toss me out there with them!
It's pretty magical stuff, seeing life, movement, veins...all very mysterious, being able to partake in creation to some degree. I think this is why hatching AND candling is so addictive. :hugs
Don't feel bad. I have almost 12 Olivia eggs. The last 3 have a smaaaaalllllll chance of Snape DNA in there. But if they ARE fertile............should I hatch em? A little devil on my shoulder keeps whispering sweet nothings at me. :oops: :idunno
This sounds super interesting!
Her user on TikTok and YT is @MontgomeryFrizzles. SUPER COOL. Here is her first attempt, "Jar Jar Beaks". Apparently they are others that tried something similar on tiktok, but she's the only one that I saw have a successful "hatch".

Her user on TikTok and YT is @MontgomeryFrizzles. SUPER COOL. Here is her first attempt, "Jar Jar Beaks". Apparently they are others that tried something similar on tiktok, but she's the only one that I saw have a successful "hatch".

Oh, I've seen her videos too! Don't know if I stand behind the jar eggs 100%, but it is very informative
Don't feel bad. I have almost 12 Olivia eggs. The last 3 have a smaaaaalllllll chance of Snape DNA in there. But if they ARE fertile............should I hatch em? A little devil on my shoulder keeps whispering sweet nothings at me. :oops: :idunno

Better wait a little while, hatching pullet eggs is not a good idea most of the time

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