Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

Yyyyyeeeeeessssss! She needs something to go with her grayish black feathers. What color would be good?

And you can candle! Won't be much difference yet and would drive you crazy-er. Lol. I swear I candled everyday just to see the difference and the movement in there. It was so cool!

Great. Now I want to hatch again.
Hey! Send an updated picture!

I'm thinking a blue to cross with her, or if I hatch some sort of partridge, that could make some interesting color combos 🤔 they wouldn't be "ABA recognized" colors but they could sure be pretty!
Is it because the eggs are smaller?
I think the egg size is a big part of it, my advice is to wait a few months, let the eggs get bigger and see who you really want to hatch eggs from. Pick and chose the traits you like and set the eggs from those girls.

But... this is a do as I say and not as I do scenario, soooooo.... :oops:
I'm not sure I could watch it all unfold, it's just too....creepy. :gig I'd rather it all stay a mystery.
I do prefer candling over cup growth watching. Guess who candled a few eggs this morning!?! :wee

I kept it to 5 eggs, I'm proud of myself. I always wash my hands before opening the incubator, so I'm keeping the little Odoban dipped eggies germ free.

So the two circled in bright green are growing!!! The 10 brown dot was too dark (I was pretty sure I couldn't see through the shell, but I had to try...) and the 2 brown/blue dot was also too dark to see. The oblong blue banty egg I could see into, but no development I could detect.

3 days before I officially candle the eggies! Lol, who am I kidding...


Edited to add: #1 Green dot is Charlotte / Charlie @GreenJay ! Your eggie is growing!!!!!
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