Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

Good news!

Almost every egg I had as questionable is growing! There was only one that had quit, I missed that it had a hairline crack on the air cell end, the air cell is now slightly below it so it really glowed when I put the light on it.

2 weeks down, 1 week to go!
Plant Grow GIF by Texas Tech University RISE
It's 2/3rds day!!!!!!

Here's the article with all the info 😁

Day 14


Down now covers the whole body and is growing rapidly. The embryo turns it head towards the blunt end of the egg and gets into a suitable position for hatching.
2/3 rds day, :woot

Let's go eggies, let's GO!

Good news!

Almost every egg I had as questionable is growing! There was only one that had quit, I missed that it had a hairline crack on the air cell end, the air cell is now slightly below it so it really glowed when I put the light on it.

2 weeks down, 1 week to go!
Ooh, I love when a questionable one shows us it's still alive in there!! So there's hope yet for Layla and Larry!

Seth Meyers Please GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
Lets hope it is a Layla. If it's a Larry I pity the owner.... :)
I had a house plant named Larry, totally indestructible. It lived through many many house plant droughts over about 7 years. Then my dad took pity on it being in such a small pot, fixed it up really nice with a big pot, fresh soil. Yep, it died. 🙄
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I had a house plant named Larry, totally indestructible. It lived through many many house plants droughts over about 7 years. Then my dad took pity on it being in such a small pot, fixed it up really nice with a big pop, fresh soil. Yep, it died. 🙄
I've done this too, it's just awful! :(

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