Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

Speaking of plants, what's your little succulent beauty doing, TwoCrows?
Oh its doing fabulous! The plant itself has never looked better and its starting to flower! The stem grew to over 2 ft long and the flower end was heavy so I propped up the stem on another plant. (I had to close the blinds to get the flower photo, the stripey zebra succulent plant is shooting out another flower stem, it refuses to quit flowering! You can see the thinner stalk lower left....)


@2ndTink, I am so sorry to hear about the losses! Losing eggs is always hard. Don't be hard on yourself! I would also like to follow along any Chonkers you attempt to hatch later as well.

The updates with the science are very much appreciated.
I'll give you a tag on the next hatch! Hopefully in 3 weeks. And I'm going to be making sure the girls are getting poultry cell, @Debbie292d has given me the instructions to do sprouts and fermented grains, so hopefully the ladies will be in top shape for the next set of eggies. I picked up Kalmbach flock maker yesterday and started the slow transition over.

I let Chonkers out with his ladies for a bit night before last, it's his first time out with them. It was hilarious. They did their typical scatter into small groups and moving around between the groups and a few of course just do their own thing. Chonkers was beside himself, he didn't know which hen to be next too, he was chattering and running between all the groups of ladies. The poor little dude didn't know what to do. They just wanted to dust bath and eat, not listen to little Chonkers.
Oh its doing fabulous! The plant itself has never looked better and its starting to flower! The stem grew to over 2 ft long and the flower end was heavy so I propped up the stem on another plant. (I had to close the blinds to get the flower photo, the stripey zebra succulent plant is shooting out another flower stem, it refuses to quit flowering! You can see the thinner stalk lower left....)

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That looks great!
Oh its doing fabulous! The plant itself has never looked better and its starting to flower! The stem grew to over 2 ft long and the flower end was heavy so I propped up the stem on another plant. (I had to close the blinds to get the flower photo, the stripey zebra succulent plant is shooting out another flower stem, it refuses to quit flowering! You can see the thinner stalk lower left....)

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Whoa! I have never seen one so big nor so beautiful! ❤️
Up here, they are like 6" tall lol.
Oh its doing fabulous! The plant itself has never looked better and its starting to flower! The stem grew to over 2 ft long and the flower end was heavy so I propped up the stem on another plant. (I had to close the blinds to get the flower photo, the stripey zebra succulent plant is shooting out another flower stem, it refuses to quit flowering! You can see the thinner stalk lower left....)

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Wonderful! I can see it has gained its sun stress markings (not a bad thing in succulents!), it's looking very content! The bloom stock is looking marvelous as well, IMO, the colour of the blooms yours has is the prettiest colour echeveria can get! The haworthia shooting out yet another stock is not surprising, they are in a constant state of blooming, making offshoots, and being gorgeous! Thanks for the update, they look so happy under your care!
I am a newb when it comes to succulents, @fluffycrow has been helping me and answering my dumb questions. :p

You know a whole lot yourself! Your hard work has definitely payed off, hopefully the stock continues to bloom for many months, just last week I pulled my last echeveria stock off, it had been growing from the start of May!

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