Local Paper prints anti-chicken editorial



This is just unbelievable. The local paper printed an editorial about my little effort to legalize chickens. They were rather negative about it, saying that chickens belong in the country and if I want chickens, that's where I should go. Plus they got a few facts wrong... I never asked to legalize roosters, which they complain about. Yes, roosters WOULD be loud. Which is why I didn't ask to legalize them in the city. Details here: http://www.lavidalocavore.org/diary/2935/the-chicken-project-im-the-subject-of-a-newspaper-editorial
I was thinking I'd write a letter to the editor. I've already put up a post about it on my blog. I might contact my city government as well.
Yup.. i would do something. The stinkers!
I posted a comment on the editorial. It was easy -- I had to register with Disqus, but that took about 30 seconds. It's awaiting moderation. It would be nice if others would go post comments at the editorial .

Not sure where you are located. You might contact the "action reporter" at your local TV station if that is an option. They might be willing to run a spot with you, depicting your side. if you can do this, I'd suggest being positive, mentioning your point about roosters, and that any animal, like a dog, can stink if you don't keep them clean or you try to keep too many of them, but if you keep them clean they do not stink. As with any animal, there are basic requirements they have. If you meet those requirements, they are not a problem. You can get too many guinea pigs and have a problem. I think I'd try to relate it to pets that people keep.

You can probably come up with better talking points.
All of those points are easy to refute. You aren't asking for roosters, just hens. As for poop, well, every pet poops. Cleaning up after chickens isn't any different than cleaning up after dogs or cats, and its very easy to write the ordinance to say that the coop can't be smelly and that poop has to be removed regularly. Also, I'd mention that keeping chickens isn't about trying to be 'country' its about creating a sustainable, modern city.
Good luck with your effort.

What I think is hilarious (in a sad sort of way) is that these same people would think nothing of having neighbors with parrots, or other pet birds... even birds explicitly chosen to be noisy and talkative! Chickens are so quiet by comparison.

Of course, my favorite advice here was to get silkies and tell the neighbors that they're Chinese Ground Parrots.

You should add San Diego/La Mesa to your subject line, so that the local people are more likely to see it and write letters to the editor.

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