Lockdown Mishap


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Ok, so I may just be worrying for no reason because my last attempt to incubate turkeys ended so disasterously, but I'm looking for some opinions here.

I locked down my eggs two days ago on day 25, and noticed yesterday that my humidity was stubbornly hanging at 54%. So I dumped water into the sponge to bring it up. Stupid me, I put in too much and the water level came up above the mesh flooring the eggs are sitting on. Ack!

So I put in A LOT of paper towels for the eggs to sit on, and left them for about two hours. When I came back, they were sitting on wet towels. Doh!. THen I put in a real towel for them.

Well... that solved the moisture problem, but I didn't account for the fact that the towel was 70 degrees. It brought my whole brooder down to 95 to 96 for about 4 hours last night.

Now it's day 27, and no sign of pipping, rocking, peeping, nothing. I know that technically I shouldn't worry until day 28, but I messed up so badly last night that I'm convinced they're both done for

What are your thoughts? Am I just driving myself crazy?
Thanks for responding, GamebirdsOnly. Do turkeys generally hatch on time then? I've done chicken hatches and generally had them go early, even if I kept temps at textbook. I think it's spoiled me :p

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