Lockdown on shipped eggs with detached air cells. Help?


7 Years
Mar 12, 2017
North Alabama
I have 5 little chocolate birchen English orpington eggs on lockdown today. They were shipped from Maine to Alabama and given to me to hatch. They've spent their incubation time upright, in little cups I made for them out of a cardboard egg carton. I've been reading up on hatching these, but my question is, should I leave them in the little cups as they hatch? They're in a Brinsea mini advance and I can just imagine that they will all come tumbling down with the first chick to hatch. I checked them out last night and it seems like most of the chick is down at the pointy end of the egg. The fat end shows the air cell and veins. Is that normal? I saw veins and movement in 5 out of 6 last night, so I'm hopeful. I just was not sure if I should keep them upright or lay them down for lockdown, since it looks like they're settled at the bottom of their shell. (if that even makes sense) They're moving, the veins look strong. I want to give them the best possible support so they will hatch. Thank you!!


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Oh well, I decided to let them stay in their cups to hatch and all 5 are doing great. One did get stuck for a minute in a cup that was still connected to another one, but the others were able to tip over with no trouble. I figure things out eventually.


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