Log fell on hen, no physical trauma but behaving strange


Apr 4, 2021
Long story: I have looked everywhere and have done what I can, but I'm still very concerned. On April 3rd, i rolled a log, and my hen ran under before I could stop it. I should have checked before doing so, and i feel so guilty about it. :( It was a small, thin log, but it was still pretty heavy, and even more so for a small chicken.
Anyways, i was able to lift the log off of her within seconds, and my hen ran off. When I got to her, i was afraid that I'd broken her neck and she was going to die (cue the uncontrollable crying). BUT she didn't die; it's been a few days and she's eating and drinking. Normally, they stay at my aunt's ranch since my area doesn't allow chickens, but i brought her home to keep an eye on her. The first few days she spent standing with her neck stretched and her beak open, her breathing very labored. I had to spoon water into her mouth, which she took, because from what I read, dehydration could be fatal, so i spent a good while every couple of hours trying to get some water into her. Of course, the next day was Easter Sunday, so I'm assuming most stores were closed and the roads were so busy, i couldn't get electrolytes (i don't know how to drive and i couldn't get someone to take me). Either way, yesterday, she perked up and she will eat grass and little bugs around her and drink water when shown and she's pooping normally Physically, she looks fine. However, she doesn't want to move and makes absolutely no noise. She takes only a few steps, walks only when prompted, and spends most of her time in the dog crate without moving. I have spent hours sitting with her outside so she can get some air and maybe some motivation to move, but nothing. I'm not sure if she was just in shock or if something happened? I'm almost 100% sure nothing is broken, I've felt around and nothing seems out of the ordinary, but maybe internally? Has anyone else had something like this happen to them?? I know the obvious thing to do would take them to a vet, and I'm a college student with a not very well paying job, but I'd be willing to try to find one who can take a look at her if anyone thinks it's necessary. :( I also played a video with my rooster, her companion, crowing and she moved her head around in interest, so maybe she misses her family??? The picture is of her from yesterday. Not sure if that helps at all.

TL;DR i have a chicken who got caught under a log. She's drinking and eating but kinda just stands around listlessly, doesn't move or make a sound. Physically fine, but seems... odd? Doesn't wanna dig.

EDIT! i accidentally posted it twice!! Sorry, i don't know how to delete it. :,)


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She is surely bruised, and perhaps even has some skeletal injuries, but it seems as if she is progressing/healing satisfactorily. Good luck with her.

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