Logged Hatch-A-Long?

Matilda hen

7 Years
Apr 11, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guy's, I was thinking of doing a hatch a long...where, instead of just doing it normally, a few of us do it, and get a notepad, make a log , and write in it every day, the tempature, Humididty, when we turn it write in eg: ''9:00am First turn'', write in results of the candellings, etc.. and eventually, our hatching results. Breed is also a good factor to include a lot about, like what you have found about hatching this breed before, what traits do they follow etc...
If anyone in intrested, PLEASE Pm me, I'd love to get people included, as we would all really enjoy making the thread afterwards, which I will give info nearer to the hatching day on what shall be done for it. Smaller number of eggs would be better, as we can go into specific detail with each egg. I was thinking somewhere around 6, or under 12 anyway to keep it simple, anyone intrested? Like a study kinda thing haha

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