Look at what my neighbors friend has! Meet Meo!

Attack Chicken

[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Hu
11 Years
Sep 25, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
He's a 10 month old pure blood, isn't he just beautiful?! Still lots of growing but has accepted me. It's so lovely hearing him howl at night even though his howl is kind of weak right now. I just love it! As long as he stays on his cable over across the street he's fine. This was my second day going over to visit and he came right up next to my side and had a scratch behind the ears from me. He stands at about waist tall and I'm 5'4. Can't wait to see him as he grows up!




He is beautiful.

My daughter had a wolf malamute mix, went about 180 lbs and was absolutely gorgeous. When she first got him she lived in Chicago and was her constant companion and I never onced worried that someone would cause her harm! I baby sat him a few times and people definately gave me a wide birth when they say him!

Sadly 2 years ago she had to have him put down as arthritis finally got the better of him.
He was a wonderful pet with an excellent temperment and whenever he saw me he would greet me by leaning against me and giving me little howls. Sure do miss him.
Your friend needs to know that if he is constantly chained like that, his nice demeanor will not remain. They need to roam, even if it is just a large yard. Wolves are also extremely smart. Smarter than most canines. Of course I have no idea what his personality is like off the chain, but there is a very real chance that if he has been chained for a couple days, he is making nice with you to get cut loose.

Be careful until you completely know the wolf. Kens nephew has a very well behaved wolf, and he spends a lot of time with him making sure his instinct needs are met and trains with him a lot. They CAN be incredibly loyal pets, especially when their master knows the wolfs individual needs.
Sorry but he IS still a wild animal, NOT my humble opinion. His nature is bieing compromised. NOT fair to him or his handler and that is all the person is that "ownes" him. Sad for him, sorry for it. YES HE is beautiful. BUT not in his inviroment.
I have seen so many crosses that were ment to TAME the wolf in them only to end in all kinds of problems, skin and internal.
Hope the best for all.
Please read my post above yours. I mostly agree with you, however since this pup has been hand raised, he would not survive in the wilderness. However, the owner has some major responsibilities to see that he is a happy and well trained animal. And that takes work and patience.
Yep..keeping him on a chain all the time is a baaad idea... some dogs literally go nuts from it.
Please read my post above yours. I mostly agree with you, however since this pup has been hand raised, he would not survive in the wilderness. However, the owner has some major responsibilities to see that he is a happy and well trained animal. And that takes work and patience.

So TOTALY not on YOUR post. Just the animal in question. Sad for me to see and I do know he can not be put out in the wild TO LATE. So sad. and many are killed in the wild by cattle farms, sheep farms and deer are hit by cars...........

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