Look what I am bringing home...... (UPDATED WITH PICS)

Thanks everybody, I have to agree with you cute.

I can't wait to go get them. Come on Saturday, come on!

Any other advice or info?
Broke Down Ranch (have to tell you I love your user name) Texas is a little far for this trip so therefore I am afraid they have to come home with me. I won't even pretend to be sorry!
They lady just emailed me and told me that they are a foot tall and weigh approx. 8 to 12 pounds. They are so little, I can't wait until the week-end.
I want that doe...

300 miles..darn. I remember we had a couple come a pick a ram up from Buffalo and were in NJ
I LOVE goats; unfortunatly we can't have any- yet!
When we move to a farm and out of this suffocating city- THEN I'LL GET MY GOATS!

By the way, the expression "get his goat" comes from a time when people kept goats as stall pals for racehorses. Before the race, a sneaky competetor might steal the goat. Then the racehorse would miss his buddy and not preform well.
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Best advice I ever got about raising goats was from a Navajo guy that has been raised with and raising goats from day one of his 40+ years, he told me,"Treat them as you would treat your own little baby, keep them warm, clean, well fed and dry and watch for fevers". Goats, when they are babies, are much like little kids, and they get some of the same illnesses. I have found that Probiotics are miracle medications, and between that and some childrens benadryl, I have kept both of mine alive and kicking through freak snow storms, wind storms, and heat blasts, and spider bites.
I have the Navaho guy on speed dial, so if you run into problems, shoot me a line and I will give him a call. I do know that in your part of the country that there are some weeds you need to look out for, you need to google, "Cyclopia", and read up about what weed to kill out if you have it on your land,(dont look at the pics if you are squeamish), but other than that, I will help where I can.
Minerals are important, so get a good mineral block.

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