Looking for a male saint bernard

Did you just choose not to read this or believe it or what? I wrote this post right before you made your last post....."I also am and do offer full and continued support to all new puppy owners of my puppies. I want to stay in contact with them and see how they are doing. I will take them back for any reason actually it states in the contract they come back to me if the new owner can not keep them for some reason."

I have stated what happened was not in the best interest of me as breeder and most of all the puppies from 1st litter and my *****. I did also say I have done and followed all advice given. I have nothing to defend except what I am doing with this litter and forward. You are totally wrong! But your entitled to think what you want. You thoughts and comments/posts have not been helpful and I changed everything before you even became a member and posted on this thread. All you have brought to this is rudeness and negativeness.

You really need to stop assuming and thinking you know me or my intentions.

I have learned tons since the start of this thread thanks to the tactful members of this forum that want to help, from my own research, and mentors I have found.

She doesn't care. She got paid and when problems arise she'll disappear like all the rest of them. I'm done. Thanks D And everyone else that tried to educate but I see now that it's futile. She's not so dense to see what she did is wrong and is going to defend it till the end rather than admit and learn. oh well. it's all about the almighty $.
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Perhaps it would be best if the OP turn to one of the mentors she stated she has as well as her vet for any advice relating to this and any future litters in lieu of posting on a public forum where she is subjecting herself to opposing opinions. Quite honestly, as dainerra pointed out, what "flack" arabianequine has received here, pales in comparison were she to post on a dog forum. AE has received a lot of excellent advice from folks I would deem "responsible" breeders and, save for perhaps the contract, that advice seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

As someone involved in the foster and rescue of large breed dogs, I cannot and will not get excited over yet another litter of pups that no prep or thought went into other than "I have a female dog I'd like to breed..."
I am sorry but the bold part of you post you are mistaken with your thoughts on my second litter here. Dont assume, like some others are! I have done and taken all advice from people on here, my own research, and my mentors advice.

Thank you for you tactful post though!
At some point, these type of threads are not for the original posters. They (the OPs) have done - and are going to do - what they have set their mind to do. Instead, I think these threads are a very good read for potential puppy-buyers. That they (buyers) learn what type of breeder to buy from. We will never eliminate byb - so, instead we should teach people how to educate themselves on puppy buying. If people become educated, they will seek the better breeders, and there will be less people buying puppies with unknown health/temperament issues. Anyway - that's my 2¢ on all this.
I think you assuming too, because this post has helped me and for the most part productive in what I setted out to get help with and the ending to your post will no longer be an issue in my puppies, thank you to all that helped.
I have no problems with "D". I do appreciate and used there advice in this thread more then once. I do have a problem with people assuming and being rude it is counterproductive to me and my needs. D and others have gave excellent advice and I have used it all and I appreciate them giving me advice and I very much took it to heart.

I have always heard age 2 was the min. in large breeds and know many breeders that have breed at that age.

I know some have suggested that age 3 is even better. I did not start hearing this till the beginning of this thread however.

I think you need to reread Hbwright's post they were not helpful, offensive, and very rude!
Wow. First of all, I can't believe I just read this whole thread lol.

As a person who is interested in breeding and showing corgis later on after I graduate nursing school, the OP would get some serious grilling if she posted on a dog/dog breed forum. I have asked questions to breeders that stick their nose up at me and are EXTREMELY rude to me for asking questions. The comments the OP have received on here have been frank advice from experienced breeders/owners not rude. OP, you asked for advice and D especially gave you good advice and was realistic with you on breeding and even gave you advice after they disagreed with the way you bred your b.itch. Did you think that everyone would agree with the way you bred her? I am glad that you took the advice people gave you on here as it could have ended badly for b.itch and pups. Also, anyone that truly cares for the welfare of the breed or their dog, would go to extensive research to make sure their dog is healthy inside and out, and good quality before breeding. I have a female I wanted to breed but unfortunately, she isn't the right quality. Do I breed her anyway because I love her? NO. Because she would have cute puppies? NO. I could easily find rescue puppies that need homes. I love the girl I wanted to breed but if the tests say that her puppies may have back problems later in life, I would never want a pup to experience that kind of pain ESPECIALLY if I could prevent it. I would never take that chance on not knowing. There is a difference in just breeding and breeding responsibly, and I'm sorry but you were very irresponsible in this situation and if these puppies turn out to have bad characteristics as other people have already stated then that gives you a bad reputation as a breeder and people are not going to want puppies from a bad breeder. Lastly, no good breeder would EVER breed a large sized b.itch at 2 years old. She is too young.
I'm rude because I deal with people like you every day. You did not do anything suggested in this post except possibly the contract posted by RR. What are your hip results? You were told to do the testing BEFORE you bred your *****. And you still haven't done it even before your SECOND litter. See I can read. You even had the possibility of a retained puppy and you sat and watched to see what would happen. Yup, I'm rude because there are so many of YOU that will never learn. If I have talked one person out of buying one of your puppies, or deciding to make the same mistakes you have made, I'm fine with that. Even if I didn't, somebody has to say something for the sake of your future breedings. I refuse to be all sunshine and rainbows when it comes to you putting your puppies health and their families hearts at risk. So, what advice have you followed? You claim I'm the one that can't read but you have NOT answered any of my questions, which I'm sure you won't for me, but I am not the only one who wants to know.
Here are some updated pics from last Friday at 3 weeks for those that are interested in seeing them. They are too cute and soooo precious. They are doing great!


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