Looking for breed recommendations to add to our flock of 5

Do not order from mt healthy they are expensive, limited breeds, and they give you an extra chick usually a roo with every order. Meyer is a much better option.
Yikes! Alright, two strikes is enough for me to swap to Meyer and McMurray instead lol. Thank you for the advice! I wanted their Noir Marans for the dark brown eggs, but I can live without if it means I’ll end up with a bonus roo not of my choosing!
Yikes! Alright, two strikes is enough for me to swap to Meyer and McMurray instead lol. Thank you for the advice! I wanted their Noir Marans for the dark brown eggs, but I can live without if it means I’ll end up with a bonus roo not of my choosing!
I actually think the BCMs are pretty cheap at Meyer. I want mcmuarry too but the minimum is six where Meyer is three.
I just want to comment…I ordered from Mt Healthy and had a WONDERFUL experience. They came highly recommended from two neighbors that have used them in the past. Our birds were large, healthy, and super friendly. @Sally PB ordered from them also and had an excellent experience. Some of their birds are a little expensive, but shipping is much lower than Meyer for a small order. Shipping was only $15 for 10…I think it’s like $30 for 3-9. We did get an extra female chick, they do send an extra bird of the breed & sex you order from each time. They had a few issues with sexing during the crazy chick hoard this spring, but once things slowed down I have heard only good things with the sexing.

Not trying to sway you, but it’s good to remember that everyone has a different experience!
We currently have a Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red & Black Australorp. We’d like to add two more to the flock of different breeds. A couple that we are considering are Lavender Orpington & Barred Rock. Any thoughts?
No offense, but it seems like you are making the chicken version of London and look how that is working out.
I’ll definitely research more about the different hatcheries, thank you for the recommendations! Had no idea Murray McMurray had better quality than the others. I just purchased based on star rating on google, distance from my home and available breeds (in that order). It was before I found this forum, of course.

I’m sorry to hear having just one of each breed didn’t work for you :(. I’m honestly terrified of losing any birds, though I know it’s naïve in the extreme to think they’ll all live their full lives and die peacefully. I think I’ll still try to get individual breeds this go around and just hope for the best, though I may regret not trying to profit from your good advice. There are just too many breeds I’m excited to raise!

Btw, sorry to OP for chatting about my flock (or potential flock) in your thread! 😅
Whatever you may decide to do, I hope your flock is well!
You shouldn't add more birds to your flock because of stress factors, but if you do decide to keep more, then I would suggest getting all of the breeds @Iluveggers suggested. They are wonderful breeds, and my Marans and Easter Eggers are so sweet. I wish I could have Bielefelders, but the price would be too much. Cochins would be a nice addition as well, but you have to take their nasty feet into consideration!
You would have fallen over, once this season I went into TSC and they had Bielefelder chicks on $1 clearance!!! 😳

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